View Full Version : First crack with the 7D - An homage to the iPad

David Lavender
June 1st, 2010, 01:38 PM
We're just getting into the DSLR/video game, but we're pretty thrilled with the opportunities. Here was a first crack at figuring out how to best use the thing. It can't hold a candle to some of the shorts on here, but we're fairly happy with it.

It's a quick, sub-3:00 parody. Give it look, tell me where we can do better (plenty of options there!).

YouTube - The iBox (

Chuck Spaulding
June 2nd, 2010, 01:43 PM
We're just getting into the DSLR/video game, but we're pretty thrilled with the opportunities. Here was a first crack at figuring out how to best use the thing. It can't hold a candle to some of the shorts on here, but we're fairly happy with it.

It's a quick, sub-3:00 parody. Give it look, tell me where we can do better (plenty of options there!).

YouTube - The iBox (

What do you mean it doesn't hold a candle. Anything things with robot hookers and leprechaun hand jobs has got to be good.

Well done, very funny. And you put Apple in its place...

Vito DeFilippo
June 2nd, 2010, 02:17 PM
That was great. I laughed out loud. Especially like swearing guy. Too funny.

It's a bit long for your material, and you might have tried shooting some of the interviews on the other side of the frame, but that's just nit picking. I loved it.

Dennis Murphy
June 3rd, 2010, 06:27 PM
LolZ @ 'token accent guy'.

You captured marketing bullshit beautifully.