View Full Version : Filters

Shaun Conner
June 1st, 2010, 11:48 AM
I will be filming a wedding outside next week about 6 p.m. There is still a great deal of sun out at that time and I want to get the best picture possible. I don't know enough about filters to pick one out for the occasion so any help would be appreciated

Norman Pogson
June 1st, 2010, 01:29 PM
Hi Shaun,

If the sun is at an angle to your subject and you have some blue sky or plant/tree foliage in your shots a polarizing filter would be useful to darken the blue sky or take reflection off the foliage, making them more saturated in color. The polarizing filter also takes reflection off glass, such as car or building windows.

Neutral Density filters are used to cut down the amount of light hitting the sensor, so allows you to open up the aperture to get a shallow depth of field. ND filters can be bought as an adjustable one such as the Fader ND filter, or as single strength filters which can be stacked with a filter folder. ND filters can be used with polarizing filters to cut down on light levels as well.

Shaun Conner
June 1st, 2010, 03:03 PM
Thanks. Do you recommend a particular manufacturer? I have no idea which I will be facing and I need to test this out sometime this week. I should get great footage from this wedding if the weather holds up.

Norman Pogson
June 2nd, 2010, 05:55 AM
I like Tiffen filters, I did splash out on a B&W polarizing filter for my 70-200 f2.8

Bill Pryor
June 2nd, 2010, 12:22 PM
I like Tiffen and B+W. I did buy one of the high end Hoyas when I first got my camera because I wanted it that day for an exterior shoot and that's all they had locally. The filter itself is OK, but the mounting ring became loose after just a few uses. It pays to get quality filters.