View Full Version : 9.0e Multicam slip 4.07 sec

Thomas Moore
June 1st, 2010, 04:47 AM
Working on a multicam project - (4) cameras and seem to have an issue where whenever I make a multicamera cut it slips out of sync by 4.07 seconds. You can actually see it in the preview window. Bit of a pain in the butt...

Anybody seen this or have an idea on how to stop it from happening?

Dale Guthormsen
June 4th, 2010, 09:14 AM

Are you talking just lag time, or once it is finished and you play the finished time line it is out that far?? Also is it just in one camera or all four?

I tend to only use two cameras and I had a time discrepancy on one project but it was only 6 prames, a pretty easy fix even if annoying. Generally I do not see that problem.

curiously, did you go back and run a test on 8.0c to see if it ran right there?

I also once found that one of my cameras which had taken a knock was out of sinc.

Thomas Moore
June 4th, 2010, 02:05 PM
I'll be working on it again tonight/tommorow so I'll verify if it's happening with all 4 or just 2 or 3 - I know it's def happening to more the one.

And no I mean it goes out of sync as soon as I cut you don't need to render it to see it - I have all info on so it shows me which is nice to line it back up :) but you can even play it in the time line and see it as well.

Nope, didn't try it on 8c, not going to either and never had this problem with the same type of footage in 9c...

Thomas Moore
June 6th, 2010, 05:28 AM
OK, yes it is happening with all 4 cams and it doesn't happen everytime I cut but often enough to be annoying... I.E. more often then not...