View Full Version : Welcome To The Family: 24-hour Video Race entry

Martin Catt
May 30th, 2010, 06:05 PM
This is the Station PBJ Productions team entry for the 2010 Dallas 24-hour Video Race (May14-15). I'd posted this in the Canon XL2 subforum, but happened to stumble on this subforum and decided it would be a better place to post it. Hopefuly, I won't get gigged for flooding.

Benvenuto alla Famiglia on Vimeo

This was shot on my Canon XL2 using the 20x, 3x, and assorted Nikon primes. We went with the XL2 instead of my 5DMk2 to take advantage of the simpler audio recording and the speed advantage of editing and rendering in SD.

The required location for the race was the exterior of a fast-food restaurant; the prop was a cell phone; the line of dialog was "is this all there is?"; and the theme was acceptance.

We got the required elements at midnight Friday. The script was done by 3AM, and shooting immediately commenced for the night scenes. We wrapped the night shots at around 5AM or so, and retired home to download and grab a nap while waiting for daylight. The park scenes went next, and we went to the hotel room around 9AM. Principal photography wrapped at noon, followed by a lunch break. Downloading and editing commenced just after 1PM, and the "final" edit and scoring was done just after 8PM. We turned in the entry at just after 10PM.

We didn't place (got edged out by a vampire family with generational issues and another video about a guy getting mugged at a Whataburger -- go figure), but we got the loudest applause out of all the videos shown in our block.

It was worth it.
