David Barnes
May 30th, 2010, 06:48 AM
I bought the t2 last month and finally can chip in a few words about it. For photography it is a great camera for film/video it is more like an old fashioned film camera. You have no control over focus and no fast way to do it all as one man band. This is the short of it. Now I will try to go over all the other bit and pieces.
Lenses. Easy piesy. 100-300 4.5 £139, 50/1.8 £84, 20/2.8 £225.. Still need to buy a normal lens and that will be 35/2 circa 225 new or 176 second hand. I decided to stay away from very heavy w/a zooms but the 20mm is quite heavy. My line of reasoning is as follows if I have money I would like to upgrade to 5D. So all lenses will be still very usefull in slgihtly different category but still very useful.
Support. I have considered all various rigs but all they do is make the rig very heavy. I don't think that all my life I will be handholding the camera. So a good tripod is more important. Somehow with all the dicsussions about the rigs people forget that tripod is the best image stabiliser there is with all the usual provisos, etc. So I bought a very heavy mafrotto 058b. Height from over 2 meters down to 50cm. cost £95 I also bought a medium size video head. I also have my old trusted culman tripod just in case. They are not flimzy little things but heavy bastards good for large format film cameras or alternativy for any full size HD video kit.
Lights I bought 2 small 300 wtss heads with barn doors falling off. £50 and a bit of wire bup everything right. New cost in the region of £150.
Sound Still have my old and trusted Sennheiser MKE66 with a small stereo jack adaptor. Sound received an immediate boost in quality and levels. I think I bought it for £99 about seven or eight years ago.
IN action
I compared visually HG20 and T2. On normal screen little difference but with HMDI cable the colours of T2 simply popped out. The grain levels were similar with one disadvantage that HG20 was always focused while T2 was loosing the focus all the time with any little movement but this is something that needs some new and better way tog et around it like Magic Lantern. HELPPPP!!!!!
Had to upgrade my card reader as my old card reader simply could not read the fast SD card. £3.50 from Ebay.
Have serious problems to edit on my computer though it is a fast machine. Pinnacle stuio 12 ultimate simply is not cut for it. Got an upgrade from site and no MOV. files can be seen at all. This is an upgrade. I looked up on various threads and found a free software that edits and shows the MOV files for free. So how can I cut between HG20 and T2 in Studio????
Lenses. Easy piesy. 100-300 4.5 £139, 50/1.8 £84, 20/2.8 £225.. Still need to buy a normal lens and that will be 35/2 circa 225 new or 176 second hand. I decided to stay away from very heavy w/a zooms but the 20mm is quite heavy. My line of reasoning is as follows if I have money I would like to upgrade to 5D. So all lenses will be still very usefull in slgihtly different category but still very useful.
Support. I have considered all various rigs but all they do is make the rig very heavy. I don't think that all my life I will be handholding the camera. So a good tripod is more important. Somehow with all the dicsussions about the rigs people forget that tripod is the best image stabiliser there is with all the usual provisos, etc. So I bought a very heavy mafrotto 058b. Height from over 2 meters down to 50cm. cost £95 I also bought a medium size video head. I also have my old trusted culman tripod just in case. They are not flimzy little things but heavy bastards good for large format film cameras or alternativy for any full size HD video kit.
Lights I bought 2 small 300 wtss heads with barn doors falling off. £50 and a bit of wire bup everything right. New cost in the region of £150.
Sound Still have my old and trusted Sennheiser MKE66 with a small stereo jack adaptor. Sound received an immediate boost in quality and levels. I think I bought it for £99 about seven or eight years ago.
IN action
I compared visually HG20 and T2. On normal screen little difference but with HMDI cable the colours of T2 simply popped out. The grain levels were similar with one disadvantage that HG20 was always focused while T2 was loosing the focus all the time with any little movement but this is something that needs some new and better way tog et around it like Magic Lantern. HELPPPP!!!!!
Had to upgrade my card reader as my old card reader simply could not read the fast SD card. £3.50 from Ebay.
Have serious problems to edit on my computer though it is a fast machine. Pinnacle stuio 12 ultimate simply is not cut for it. Got an upgrade from site and no MOV. files can be seen at all. This is an upgrade. I looked up on various threads and found a free software that edits and shows the MOV files for free. So how can I cut between HG20 and T2 in Studio????