View Full Version : Media Error Playback Halted

Joe Oliverio
May 26th, 2010, 06:18 PM
So I have a brand new EX1R with V1.10 and the new e-films MXR readers with the ATP 16GB class 6 cards.

We recorded video in 1920X1080 30P. 3 clips; the 1st and last play fine. The middle clip gets about 15 seconds into the playback and gives the above error. It recorded fine and it captured and exported in the browser OK. If I press play again with the error showing it starts playing where it left off and plays fine the rest of the way.

Any ideas on what happened?

Tuy Le
May 26th, 2010, 11:18 PM
Possible problem: the reader is slow. Can you check the card with another reader ?
Also you can re-test the card to make sure it's up to the speed. (benchmark)
I had one Sandisk happened like that.

Marcus Durham
May 27th, 2010, 01:05 AM
You need to try some different combinations of cards in that reader as well as trying different readers. You have to see if you can reproduce the fault and narrow it down to one or the other.

It's odd that it just halts though. If it was a speed problem it would usually show up during writing.

Ilya Spektor
May 29th, 2010, 05:07 PM
So I have a brand new EX1R with V1.10 and the new e-films MXR readers with the ATP 16GB class 6 cards.

We recorded video in 1920X1080 30P. 3 clips; the 1st and last play fine. The middle clip gets about 15 seconds into the playback and gives the above error. It recorded fine and it captured and exported in the browser OK. If I press play again with the error showing it starts playing where it left off and plays fine the rest of the way.

Any ideas on what happened?

If you play those clips in the camera (Media mode), are there any errors? I hope, not... When you copy them by Clip Browser to your computer, do you see regular icons of all clips copied, without question marks on them? If yes, clips are OK...