View Full Version : Export File From Premier Pro CS3 to Encore Hangs While Importing M2V File

Julian Frost
May 24th, 2010, 05:11 PM
I have 2 Windows XP installations on my system (I boot with Boot Manager and run one or the other), not simultaneously). That said, it's the same computer, the same copy of Windows XP, the same everything... the only difference is... my Clean system has only Adobe Production Premium CS3 and a couple of other applications installed on it, while my Dirty system has the Adobe Production Premium CS3 and everything else under-the-sun installed on it!

My Dirty system has no problems running NeoHD, FirstLight, Premier Pro CS3 and exporting a PPro project to Encore.

My Clean system, however, hangs during the export to Encore.

My work flow is as follows:
1) Create some footage (in my case, a 1 minute, 29.97fps clip from my 5D mk II)
2) Convert it to Cineform AVI using NeoHD's HDLink
3) Import it into PPro
4) Without editing the footage in any way, click File -> Export to Encore. Select settings to match the footage, give it a filename and a destination folder and click ok
5) Encore opens, creates the project, and begins to import the M2V file...
6) Encore hangs at 0% while importing the M2V file! The only way to stop it is by killing Encore with the Task Manager.

There is no error message, the system seems to enter an infinite loop. One of the system's quad cores maxes out to 100% (overall CPU usage is 26%), the page file stays constant at 1.12GB, and it stays like that. On my Dirty system, steps 1-5 above complete in about 60 seconds.

Again, the Clean system has very little software installed on it. The items that *are* installed on it, are also installed on the Dirty system. There is *nothing* installed on the Clean system which isn't also installed on the Dirty system (so I know there's no compatibility issues between items installed on the Clean system, as they would also effect the Dirty system!).

I might expect problems with the Dirty system due to all the crapola installed on it, but not on a clean, Windows XP/NeoHD/Premier/Encore installation.

Any ideas why Encore hangs while trying to load the M2V file?

Adam Gold
May 24th, 2010, 06:43 PM
Next time you start Premiere, try holding down the SHIFT key until it asks you what you want to do. Sometimes that works as (as David Newman put it) a slap upside the head for Premiere.

This happens on multiple projects created on the clean system? What about projects created on the dirty system? I wonder if the dirty system has some decoder or exporter that the clean system needs.

Julian Frost
May 24th, 2010, 09:22 PM
Hi Adam,

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I've already tried that. It doesn't change anything. I was having problems on the Dirty system with the Cineform QT plug-ins, as has been reported in the Cineform forum, but removing them fixed the problem there. I removed the same plug-ins on the Clean system, but now get this entirely different problem.

It's pretty frustrating. As I said above, I wouldn't expect problems on such a pristine installation, but might expect all kinds of compatibility issues on the Dirty system!

Adam Gold
May 24th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Yeah, I knew it was a long shot. Sounds like a problem for Cineform support.