View Full Version : Uploading Instructions for UWOL #16

Meryem Ersoz
May 24th, 2010, 07:50 AM is the message that I sent out yesterday. I just tried to re-send it with no luck. I've been using the same email address book for 3 years now...dunno why it's acting corrupted now. Anyway, let's get this thing moving along...also, one other reminder - you're welcome to link to Vimeo after the films are released en masse. I will reluctantly edit your thread if you post before Mat has posted all the UWOL films to our website. It is the part of this job that I most detest (besides email failures...), so please don't link until we have all the submissions locked and loaded...thanks!


Howdy players!

No one has asked yet for uploading either no one is playing and all you have managed to generate is idle forum chatter, or no one remembered to ask!

I'll assume the latter. Here you go, anyway! Uploading your UWOL Sweet Sixteen Masterpiece!

A few reminders:

Read the rules! The answers to your questions are probably there...

The UWOL Challenge - Wildlife & Outdoor based film competition (


To upload your file, go to the home page and click on the link "Upload Your Entry" in the

upper right hand corner. The uploader will ask you for the info in the e-mail

and will advise you when your file is successfully uploaded. In some cases,

especially if you're on dial-up or in a remote region, it may take several attempts.

The uploading password is:

username: uwoluser

password: wonderfulwildlife


Refer to Rule #7 on the rules list - You may have to check back on the original

sign-up thread to find your designated number in the upper right-hand corner of

your posting. Since I'm number 1, my file name will look like this:

Note that the file name is case-sensitive, so use upper case where you see upper

case and lower case where you see lower case. This will save our webmaster hours

of stress and discomfort.


A reminder that video size is limited to 60 mb 320 x 240 (4:3 aspect ratio) or 428 x 240 (16:9 widescreen). If your entry doesn't meet these standards, we'll still enjoy it and give you feedback, but you won't be eligible to participate in the judging.

And of course, don't forget the most important rule of all...Rule #11 - Have fun - the world awaits you!

Good luck and get after it!