View Full Version : Corrupt clip..

Joe Lawry
May 24th, 2010, 06:29 AM
Well i somehow stupidly managed to loose power to the camera before recording had finished writing the clip to the card. My bad, it'll never happen again, Im an idiot.

have searched this forum and the others about a way to repair the clip but I cant find anything.

its not the end of the world if i cant get it working but it'd be nice - part of a live music performance, The other DSLR got it, and sound was to harddisc.

The 7D says 'Cannot Play Clip' when the card is it the camera, A thumbnail of the clip does show however.

If anyone has any suggestions let me know.. i have read up on the hex stuff in regards to QT fixing.. but thats way over my cameraman head.


Khoi Pham
May 24th, 2010, 07:58 AM
This Aero Quartet: Video gets Personal on your Mac (
fix it for me, you download the free software and run it and see if it can fix it, if it can you will pay them for code to fix it, you will need a mac to run the software, this company save my azzzz.