View Full Version : A highlight through the Grooms POV...

Stephen J. Williams
May 23rd, 2010, 08:12 PM
*Be advised that this video has foul language*

This was a fun wedding for me. Usually I shoot a lot of bride prep and a few shots of groom prep. This time the roles were reversed. I must say that it was good break filming the other side of things. We had a good time and the Groom told me not to censor anything that unfolds throughout the day... This made for a fun edit as well.


Renee' and Matt - The guys story on Vimeo

Dimitris Mantalias
May 28th, 2010, 12:22 AM
Oh my God! The guy at the end doing freestyle rap was AMAZING!!! :))

Don Bloom
May 28th, 2010, 05:38 AM
you know I don't watch or comment on many clips anymore but I did watch this and frankly I thought it was terrific. Guys being guys and most people forget that guys get crazy before the wedding. I thought you captured the craziness and fun and honeslty other than a few words whic could be bleeped, I would definately use it to show potential clients the other side.
The rap at the end was really well done.
Overall, great job.

Susanto Widjaja
May 28th, 2010, 06:41 AM
stephen my man... that was awesome... i love the transition from the bus to the next scene by panning right.

some critiques if I may, I'm not a big fan of the song, I think there maybe some better rnb song that will match it better. the song just gone too repetitive by midway in.

I'd probably put the rapper guy at the start since it will set the scene straight away but that's just probably me.

I think there were too much dancing on it.

so sorry if I sound like I'm criticizing too much but I do love the video cause I think its unique.


Stephen J. Williams
May 28th, 2010, 02:34 PM
Dimitris, Yeah he was pretty good. I can honestly say that he was able to come up with that on the spot. Not bad for having a few drinks in him already. I was a little bummed though. I had my background kit setup with charcoal grey as the backdrop. I had it properly lit with an overhead mic. The couple wanted this setup for somewhere for the friends to go and say some words. As soon as my assistant took it down he came to me and said he wanted to say something...

Thanks so much for commenting. I know I don't normally see your name floating around the sample clips gallery. So it means more to me that you took the time to comment on my video. I plan on beeping out the curse words as you suggested when it's time to go up on my site. Overall it was a lot of fun to be able to hang out with such a group of guys. A little break from the hair and makeup that I normally shoot.

Thanks for watching. As always your opinion is well valued. I'm not really patient when it comes to finding royalty free music... I liked the song mainly for the beat, but as you could tell, I had to extend it in some places to make the video match. Thanks for your critiques. I know that they'll help get to where I want to be in the end.

Thanks for watching everyone....
