Ib Christian Henricson
May 22nd, 2010, 12:05 PM
This is the brand new Music Video for "Now you're here" by A FRIEND IN LONDON.
Shot entirely on Sony XDCAM EX1. The video was composed, shot, edited and released in 48 hours.
No adapters used, only stock EX1.
Comments welcome.
"Now you're here" Official Video on Vimeo
Duncan Craig
May 22nd, 2010, 01:02 PM
Just a few comments...
30 seconds of text at the start, can it not go at the end or add it as a simple lower third at the beginning?
Should the car engine be smoking like that?
Why not use clouds at the start and end, or drop them from the start?
The running shots in the tree line road have a wonderful light.
The backwards footage reminded me of: YouTube - Coldplay - The Scientist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3Kd7IGPyeg)
You should have dropped the subway shot as the lighting flicker is really bad.
Your shots of the singer looking to camera and sat at the bed look wrong compared to everything else, too near, too bright in most cases etc. I would have got him right up by the lens and shot in macro, or move right back. Some more abstract filming, partial framing of the singer and a bit more emotion in his performance would have sold me. She looked like she was trying to act, he looked a bit bored.
They are probably all things you've already thought of, but a 48 hour turnaround does mean making so many compromises. And criticism afterwards.
Jamie Roberts
May 22nd, 2010, 10:28 PM
Hi Christian
This is a fantastic video. You have done an outstanding job especially as you said you did the whole thing in 48 hours!!
I cant be over technical as that would make me a hypocrite...I regularly miss little things and dont get shots perfect which leaves me wanting to try better next time and thats OK. On first watch of your clip, I saw nothing that jumped at me and said 'rough' or 'half arsed'. I was really really impressed and you and the band should be over the moon!
Watching your clip wants me to do better on my next job!!
(yes Im raving but I think you deserve it)
Very well done!