View Full Version : Love my Libec LS-38 if it would slide

Greg Clark
May 22nd, 2010, 08:40 AM
I have two Libec's and they have the same problem. The metal strips on the head have become corroded and at times I have found it difficult to slide on the plate. Best solution?

Chris Soucy
May 22nd, 2010, 03:46 PM
If the slide rails are corroded to the point it's causing binding, you're going to have to get physical.

I would start with the finest grit "wet and dry" paper you can source and, using it wet, take off the worst of the corrosion with that.

Then, to get a nice polished face again, source some extra fine grit "valve lapping compound" from your local auto store and contrive an application method to polish the faces till they gleam.

Should come up just like new, tho' do make sure any and all traces of the grinding paste is removed from the head after.


Dale Guthormsen
May 23rd, 2010, 02:22 PM
Good afternoon,

chris's advice is good.

However when using wet and dry sand paper on metal it is always best to use a thin oil for facilitating the cutting of the metal and floating out the particles!!!

Also WD 40 is not a good idea.