View Full Version : Sen - ME66 (JVC GY HD) - Outdoor usage?

Mat Thompson
May 22nd, 2010, 06:51 AM
Hi guys

I have a JVC GY HD110 + ME66 for primarily outdoor usage.

I'm aware I'm picking up a lot of buffeting/wind movement noise.

I am using a fluffy on the mic (on top of a sponge head). The fluffy is a cheap one although I'm not sure how much difference this would really make.

I've also noticed the camera has a wind reduction setting although I havent tested it out yet and I'm wondering what folks think about features like this?

Anyway I'm looking for tips/suggestions on good outdoor mic setup and usage?

Many thanks

Perrone Ford
May 22nd, 2010, 07:39 AM
What's a fluffy?

I have one of these:
Rycote | Standard Hole Softie Windscreen with 19 - 22mm | 033052

Wind noise is a thing of the past. In heavy wind, you might want to go to a full zepplin with windsock setup...

Sennheiser | Blimp System f/ ME 66 & MKH 416/60 | BS2 | B&H

Good luck...

Rick Reineke
May 22nd, 2010, 09:22 AM
Though I'm not familiar with that particular camera the 'wind' setting would be a low-cut filter. (aka, hi-pass filter) It can help, as long as there is no low frequencies your want to capture. For instance, in an interview/dialog situation, the human voice has little energy below 100Hz., so using the 'wind' filter would be an option. As previously stated, a zeppelin set-up offers the best wind protection, but it's rather large and bulky for camera mount.

Dan Brockett
May 22nd, 2010, 10:12 AM

I assume that you have the bass roll off that is present on the K6 power supply activated? That would be your first place to begin.

I have the Lightwave version of the Rycote that Perrone linked to, works great even in high wind with the ME-66. Very little buffeting or wind noise. I also agree with Rick, the best setup is a full zeppelin but that is not practical for camera mounting.
