View Full Version : Nano Flash features !?

Mat Thompson
May 21st, 2010, 11:08 AM
Hi guys

Just wondering whether features that nano flash has, particularly over/under cranking and pre-record can be used on cameras which don't have those features as standard !?

So can you get 50 fps from an XLh1 for instance by using this box? And at what resolution ?

Also is my understanding correct that through hdmi output you can get a full HD signal from a camera such as the H1 ?

Many thanks

Mark Job
May 21st, 2010, 01:43 PM
Hi Mat:
The Canon XL H1 has no HDMI output. The XL H1 is an HD-SDI output camera. You will get 1080 24F, 30F, or 59.94i out of the H1 and the Nano. The Nano cannot over crank record in 1080 resolution. The Nano can over crank to 720 p60 if you connect an HD 720p camera to it via HDMI or the HD-SDI input. Yes, you can output a full HD signal from the Nano Flash to a TV or flat screen monitor which has this input. If you output from the XL H1 via its HD-SDI output, then the Nano will output simultaneously via its HDMI & HD-SDI outputs.

Mat Thompson
May 22nd, 2010, 03:25 AM
Hi Mark

Ahh ok ! - This makes sense.

So if I'm not mistaken the later JVC HD200 's had firmware that enabled a 720/1080 switch. - So connect one of these camera to the Nano (HDMI) and you'd have full HD output or 720/60p output to the nano.

And I'm guessing the buffer on the nano would work even without such a feature on the camera !?
