View Full Version : #2 - And the nominations are....

Dylan Couper
July 18th, 2005, 09:32 AM
Since it will be just a little while longer before the winners are announced, I've decided to tease you all with our nominations for Best Picture and Best Cinematography.

First a bit on how the judging works. Each judged picks his top five films, which then get points based on what place they ranked. The film with the most points/highest total ranking, wins. If a film is ranked in the top five by two or more judges, then we consider it to be nominated as a contender.
Although being nominated into the "top films" doesn't win you anything, it gives you cool bragging rights to annoy your friends with. There are many more films that recieved points from only one judge, but don't make it into our top nominations list.

Here they are in no particular order:

Best Picture:

Mitchell Stookey – Monday At Office
Sephen Van Vuuren – Lost Souls
Sean McHenry – Secrets
Jon Jones – Secret Recipe
Michael Gibbons – The Cask Of Malta
Fredrik Larsson – The Secrets of The Ale Stones

Best Cinematography:

Michael Gibbons – The Cask Of Malta
Benjamin Durin - The Secrets
Jon Jones - Secret Recipe
Daniel Kohl – The Secrets of The Manfrotto 501
Sean McHenry – Secrets
Fredrik Larsson – The Secret Of The Ale Stones
Stephen Van Vuuren – Lost Souls

Dylan Couper
July 18th, 2005, 07:43 PM
Winners will be announced late tonight or tomorrow.

Fred Finn
July 19th, 2005, 05:06 PM
Wasn't this posted yesterday? Meaning this morning they would have been here? Not that I'm nominated or anything, but i'm still curious.

Stephen van Vuuren
July 19th, 2005, 05:24 PM
It was - I think we need to look for Dylan's shoe by the side of the road (shameless plug for my film "Lost Souls)...

Sean McHenry
July 19th, 2005, 05:50 PM
Yeah. I haven't said anything else as I didn't want to come off as pushy or something but I wonder if there is a problem.

Everyone OK at the judges stand? Maybe there was a knife fight over "best cinematography" or something?

Stephen, you start calling the hospitals and Fred, you check online police reports...Me, I'm driving to Vancouver. Dylan, put pressure on it, I'm on the way...

Jonathan Jones
July 19th, 2005, 06:01 PM
I'm sure there is nothin' to sweat about....I'm sure the good folks behind the judges benches all have real work to do on top of the many volunteer hours spent moderating these forums - which can sometimes be thankless enough besides the many late nights and few disposable hours already commonplace in this business. In the end...we all know that it is truly a praiseworthy venture....the judgements will come in due time...

Everybody take 5 and grab a drink.

Kyle Edwards
July 19th, 2005, 06:43 PM
I guess I should have used less piss.

Sean McHenry
July 19th, 2005, 09:04 PM
Scene 1:

Fade In

Exterior - barn - dusk (about 11:04pm Ohio time)

"Bark, bark, woof!"

"What's up old girl?"

"woof, woof, snarl, bark!"

"Oh no, little Timmy and the judges panel are trapped in the old mine?"

"Let's go girl"

Ranger Rick jumps in the 1947 International Harvester 4 Wheel drive and bounds over the rugged terrain OC Left towards the mountains.

Sean McHenry

Dylan Couper
July 19th, 2005, 09:04 PM
Sorry, forgot to post it this morning before a gig.
Either that or I like watching you guys squirm. :)

Posting it in another thread now.

Sean McHenry
July 19th, 2005, 09:06 PM
Oh man!

I mean Cool!.

We are just so relieved your still with us.

Don't do that.


; )