View Full Version : CS4 Encore - video in chapter buttons

Primoz Lazar
May 19th, 2010, 07:08 AM

Can anybody help me please.

I am using Adobe Encore CS4. I have 4 rectangle chapters. If i link them to some chapters in timeline, there in recetangles appear images of chapters in timeline. I want have playing video in that chapters and not only image. When menu opens i want to be there in chapters video from CHAPTERS IN TIMELINE which are linked to chapters in menu.Every chapter is linked to diffrent chapter in timeline and every of them must have diffrent video playing in it.

How can I do this. At first I was using Ulead DVD workshop for menus and there was no problem to do this.

Thank you for helping me. I hope you understand my question.

Best R.

Brett Griffin
May 24th, 2010, 12:39 AM
Follow this link to the help menu for Encore CS4.

Adobe Encore CS4 * Video and audio in menus (

Basically, when your menu is displayed in Encore, check the right hand side on you will see the properties field. Choose the motion tab and check the 'animate buttons' box.