James Strange
May 18th, 2010, 01:36 PM
Hi guys, I've just spent the last hour trying to find a thread I saw a few months ago.
I think it was in the wedding forum.
It was a thread talking about workflows, and someone posted there method that involved using a sata drive dock, and then when a sata drive was full, they labelled it, put it in a drawer, and put a new empty drive in the dock.
I honestly coudnt find the thread and I spent at least an hour looking for it.
If anyone can locate this thread, I'd much appreciate it.
Richard Wakefield
May 19th, 2010, 02:46 AM
Hey James
You could be referring to when i was talking about it, over on the UK-equivalent forum (dvdoctor).
I was saying i couldn't live without my ('DuoDock') Sata docking station now....much easier to store and backup onto HDDs (plus cheaper than externals). simply plug them in and away you go.
plus you can use software ('SyncToy') to completely sync up your internal HDDs every day/week/month.
James Strange
May 19th, 2010, 04:46 AM
Hi Richard, thanks for the heads up, but it was definitley on this forum as I've never been on dvdoctor.
You don't have a link for it do you? As I'm goin 100% tapeless this year, rather than using external HDDs to transfer ALL the files for a project when I'm done, I'd rather just swap out the internal sata drive, and the post I seen, someone described in detail such a workflow.
It even had pictures! Thats why its sticking in my mind, cos it looked EXACTLY like what I'm after.
Richard Wakefield
May 19th, 2010, 04:59 AM
oh i see...no, i def. didn't go into detail..no more than above anyway
but honestly, it's dead easy:
Manual Backup/Transfer:
connect the docking drive to your PC. put in a Sata HDD into the docking station. oila. it shows up as if it's an external drive. easy as that!
with SyncToy, just download it and see what it's about. you can tell it which internal drive to copy, and various ways in which to sync.
connect the docking station whenever you prefer: day/week/month/after-every-project, and away you go.
good luck...
James Strange
May 20th, 2010, 05:29 AM
Hi Richard, wonder if I can pick your brains on a couple of things RE this.
what model of dock are you are using?
I saw this one on amazon / play (Play.com (UK) : CnM USB SATA Hard Drive Dock And Card Reader : Computing - Free Delivery (http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/11992775/CnM-USB-SATA-Hard-Drive-Dock-And-Card-Reader/Product.html))
its only £17 but the reviews dont seem too good.
Also, I don't have an esata port on my desktop, I take it all I would need to do is get an esata pci card? lie this
(LaCie eSATA PCI Card: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics & Photo)