Milan Ratna Bajracharya
May 18th, 2010, 01:53 AM
I have some files which were crashed during shoot because of hard disk badsector problems we have cocied the files into another harddisk. Now the problem is these files are not playing well in QT and FCP. There are missing frames in the files.
If there is any software or tools available please inform me, I have Tired Cineform tools to solve it.
Files taken from
SI2K in Cineform raw in mov files
Thank You
Bob Hart
May 18th, 2010, 05:31 AM
The cineform tools you refer to, are these the file repair utilities which are mentioned on the Silicon Imaging website?
If you used the one for the mov files, did you get a successful repair with a reference file created?
If you are having trouble with it and the repair process fails to start, you might need to rename a copy of the camera clip file into something shorter like repair1, plus the filename extention and try to repair that.
Unfortunately I do not know macs. On the PC the damaged .mov file we found would not repair. When I enquired, I was advised the file had to be renamed to the MS DOS convention of eight characters because the repair is started in the DOS command line which did not support longer filenames.
The new versions of the repair utilities may now be usable from the Mac desktop or from within Neo. I am still using Prospect V3.
Have you tried taking several copies from the bad drive disk. It may create different errors a second or third time round and you may just be able to recover missing frames.
Is the bad drive your SI2K camera dataport (D:) drive. Is the file copy being done from the drive in the camera body.
Are you are removing it and using it as an external USB drive to your Mac. If so, are you supplying it with 5VDC or trusting the USB power from the computer. I have been powering the dataport drive from a 5VDC source when using it as an external drive to my PC. It could not be seen by the computer otherwise, although the lights lit up.
Hopefully someone with better knowledge than I will give you advice. I hope I have not sent you off down any dead-ends
Offtopic. Do you work with Bhaskar?