Harry Simpson
May 14th, 2010, 06:44 PM
Since I have to shell out another $50 for a version number upgrade
Since I bought this in late August 2009
Since I can't determine what the upgrade gives me
Since the web site is graphically lovely but informationally frustrating
I will be sticking with my trusty NeoScene 1.6 for which there is one useable application called HdLink for conversion and that's it.
I actually thought I was going to get a free version upgrade today - sorry a little disillusioned this evening.....
David Taylor
May 15th, 2010, 09:25 AM
If you're not interested in First Light and its RT, non-destructive color correction, and you're not interested in CS5, then it is true that you may not need to upgrade right now. We continuously add new features to our products, so if we add something you need in the future, such as new camera support or another new feature, that can be your trigger to upgrade.
If you purchased in 2010 then you are entitled to a free upgrade.
Julian Frost
May 16th, 2010, 09:21 PM
Are you saying that by paying the $50 upgrade to NeoScene v5, you get First Light and its RT, non-destructive color correction?
If not, what exactly does the $50 upgrade to NeoScene get you?
David Newman
May 16th, 2010, 09:35 PM
The original post was discussing upgrading the NeoHD (although that was from another thread.) Sorry, FirstLight is only in NeoHD not NeoScene. NeoScene upgrades are for CS5 support, importers and exporters and project presets, and a faster decoder (for all tools,) a 12-18 months of free updates we add the the product. We don't hold off many features for a big upgrade release, so we typically time update to coincide with Adobe release cycle. NeoScene like all over tools will likely go through a 5.1, 5.2 and so on, to support new cameras and add features as the market needs. So upgrade now if you are switching to CS5 or upgrade when a feature need arrives. OR look at the NeoHD upgrade special as they are many good reasons to make that jump now.