Matt McMeans
May 14th, 2010, 03:23 PM
Hey i just purchased a sony fx7 and a opteka fisheye, and i am super stoked to start using them. I want to keep my rig in top shape so i was wondering what kind of maintenance routine should i start. like lens cleaning, head cleaning pretty much anything that will keep it feeling new?
thank you :D
Adam Gold
May 14th, 2010, 05:42 PM
Get a nice PortaBrace camera cover for use in moist or dusty environments.
Get a clear/UV filter for the lens when not using the fisheye; you could get one for the fisheye as well.
Pick one brand of tape and stick with it; I use only Sony Premiums because they're the cheapest tapes out there and they have them at Costco.
Get a microfiber cleaning cloth/kit for the lens; don't spit on it to clean it. Clean only when necessary.
Clean heads only when the cam tells you to and follow the instructions on the cleaning tape to the letter. Best to have it professionally cleaned every 500 tape hours or so.
Sleep with it under the covers with you -- you don't want it to get a chill.
Let's see -- you got a Fisheye and you're "stoked" -- I'm guessing you'll be doing skateboarding?
Matt McMeans
May 15th, 2010, 10:41 AM
OH YEAH love skating one of the main reason i got a cam, ill be testing it today. I didn't know you could get a protective filter for fisheyes, but i do already have one for the camera itself don't plan to take it off unless it get scratched and need to replace it.
Adam Gold
May 15th, 2010, 11:04 AM
Yeah, in thinking about it the physical form of a fisheye probably makes any form of protective filter impossible.
With the fisheye on the cam, you don't need the UV filter on the cam too -- the fisheye serves as protection for the cam's lens.
Marcus Marchesseault
May 15th, 2010, 01:20 PM
Wear good protective gear so you won't be using the camera to break your fall.
Matt McMeans
May 15th, 2010, 11:24 PM
and also is it bad to record over used tapes?
Adam Gold
May 16th, 2010, 10:33 AM
Many threads on this already in the tape forum. Bottom line: tapes are so cheap that it makes no sense to re-use them. But others disagree.
Check out the tape forum for many lively discussions on this topic.
Dale Guthormsen
May 16th, 2010, 07:47 PM
Adam's advice is solid.
If you got the bucks (under 3.00 a tape) buy them in bulk at a dv sponsor like b&H.
If not then (what i=have done) is strip them with a different camcorder (I use a n old zr 100) and then rund them through. I have only once ever had a drop out!. I do prefer new tapes!!!
for skate boarding with your fx 7, spend some time with the slo motion mode. You can slo mo film specific moves and you will get some real cool stuff!!!!! 6 seconds will allow you to get most things!!!
Have fun and I look forward to seeing some of your shots!!!
dale Guthormsen