View Full Version : Clip Info is Where?

David St. Juskow
May 14th, 2010, 02:05 PM
So if you look at your video clips within the camera, by toggling through the DISPLAY, you can see what the ISO, f-stop, etc. are. Same with still photos, of course, but that information comes up on the computer in any program like LIGHTROOM. With video, though, I can't find that information in Quicktime or Final Cut Pro. Any idea of where it's stored, or how to retrieve it? It's extremely important when I review my footage so that I can tell what I did (and not repeat if it looks bad!)

James Donnelly
May 14th, 2010, 03:04 PM

The information is in the .thm file with the same name as the .mov file. It's a JPG thumbnail of the opening frame of the movie clip, which also contains the data you need as EXIF information.

You can load the files into a viewer such as xnview, and under properties you'll find an EXIF tab.

Bear in mind, you the .thm files don't get transferred if you transfer via the EOS utility. Instead, use a card reader.

David St. Juskow
May 14th, 2010, 10:33 PM
ah, thank you. FYI - I tried several versions of that program and none would run on my non-Intel mac (hey, it's fast enough to edit HD video, so I have no reason to get rid of it, on principle alone!)

Anyway, I found this program which works beautifully- all the info is there!
EXIF Viewer Download - Softpedia (