View Full Version : Will/does Neoscene support the HDC-tm700?

Joey Atilano
May 14th, 2010, 09:25 AM
I was thinking of getting this camera and I downloaded some clips but Neoscene would not see the 1080 60p clips to convert.

Neoscene support in a big factor if I get this camera.


Jay Bloomfield
May 14th, 2010, 09:39 AM
The software that comes with the TM-700 will transcode the non-standard H.264 video to something more useful. Else, it is hit or miss whether any specific piece of software will read the files. Some NLEs and video utilities can read the 1080 60p files, while others can't. It depends on what H.264 decoder the software is utilizing on your specific computer.

One option is to download the Microsoft media filter graph display utility:

GraphEdit (

(Google it) and see whether the installed DirectX filters and codecs can display the file properly. The freeware program GSpot will also do this. Just be careful when Googling for the download location of the latter. ;-)

Raymond Krystof
May 14th, 2010, 06:30 PM
I just purchase a HS700 a couple of days ago. Did a quick test on CS4 running on a MAC Pro. Both 1080 60i and 1080 60p files are recognized with the distinction that the 60i files are 29. fps and the 60p files are 59.93 fps. Both play in source window and sequence window. That's basically as far as I've gotten so far.

I realize that this doesn't answer your question. I have the same question in general. I plan to update to CS5 in the near future and I've already started an upgrade to NEO 4K V5. However, This will only come together in July when Cineform support for CS5 on MAC is available. I'm not sure what, if any advantage 1080 60p will give. Panasonic's direct info on this format supplied with the camera states that you can only utilize 1080 60p from the camera or storage card directly to monitors capable of displaying it. As such is there any advantage to final output on DVD or Blueray?

Jay Bloomfield
May 14th, 2010, 09:38 PM
Attached find the DirectX Filter Graph from Windows 7 x64. A native TM700 1080 60p file converts fine with Cineform HDLink, plays in Windows Media Player and is editable in both Premiere Pro CS5 and Vegas Pro 9e. The video codec appears to be H.264 Level 4.2, which probably causes some older systems to either not display it properly or at all.

Joey Atilano
May 16th, 2010, 11:21 AM
Thanks, hopefully someone from Cineform will answer my question.

David Newman
May 16th, 2010, 12:11 PM
Contact support and provide them with links to sample media.

Joey Atilano
May 19th, 2010, 07:43 AM
It works, I was on a corrupt install I guess. Re-installed it and it worked fine.