View Full Version : Sony V1U and off camera audio

Peter C. Goswick
May 12th, 2010, 06:34 PM
I came across an article recently that said that when shooting 24p and recording the audio to an off camera device that it would be harder to sync the audio to the 24p video footage. I can't locate the article and am wondering if this is true. I've always shot in non-progressive mode but want to shoot in 24p for an upcoming event. I have an Edirol R4 that I capture the audio from the mixer board and then sync the video/audio in post.

Would there be an issue syncing audio to 24p video footage?



John Cline
May 14th, 2010, 10:24 PM
No, absolutely not. It would be no more difficult that syncing audio to any other frame rate.

Keep in mind though that your V1 and your Edirol audio recorder may not be operating at EXACTLY the same sample rate because they are not "genlocked" as in operating off of a single master clock source. There will be some drift but how bad the drift is will ultimately depend on the clocks in the two digital devices. I have some video/audio devices which will stay in sync for over an hour and I have other devices which will drift apart after just a few minutes.

Peter C. Goswick
May 15th, 2010, 05:12 AM
Thank you for your reply. This helps.
