View Full Version : Canon 7D Clips Are Missing / Disappeared

Kelly Langerak
May 11th, 2010, 01:54 PM
Hi, has anyone had clips go completely missing?

When I imported the clips from the cards I have clips 1-597 and 602-789

clips 598-601 seem to be gone.

I've searched the cards, HD etc. and have found nothing.

The funny thing is that the second camera man got a shot of my camera showing the red blinking light when I was filming, so I know I filmed it and didn't delete any clips off my cards.

I used Sandisk Extreme 16gb 60mb/s


Kelly Langerak
May 11th, 2010, 02:12 PM
Nevermind my good friends. They got labeled as clips 729 and 730.
