View Full Version : Native XF 305 .MXF files from Nick Wilcox-Brown

Chris Hurd
May 11th, 2010, 08:44 AM
DVi member Nick Wilcox-Brown has graciously donated some time and
energy in creating these native .MXF files from the Canon XF 305 to share
with you. Here are the download links:


Notes from Nick's post in another thread (

"Once they have completed uploading to the DVInfo FTP site, there will be eight
of my MXF clips online to answers many of the queries in these threads.

Chromatic aberration - there is none to speak of

Blue channel noise - none visible under daylight shooting conditions.

The lens is extraordinary for sharpness and resolution

Zoom - slightly odd at first use for a camcorder user, but it has been designed to operate
light a broadcast camera - a colleague of mine has been trying the camera this evening
and much impressed (he has been a broadcast guy for 15 years).

Image quality is beautiful with superb graduation to highlights and no unpleasant
'digital' burn-out of highlights, even when a strong light source is in the image.

Dynamic range seems good, with detail in highlight and deep shadow areas (see the MXF files).

Movement looks natural and there is no lack of detail (again, see MXF files

Two CF card slots allow the use of 32 / 64Gb cards. At 50mbs, a
32GB card gives 80 min recording time - card cost GBP130 / €150

Screen is bright and detailed (same applies to VF) onboard WF monitor / Vectorscope
is very usable and extremely helpful. Option of displaying in RGB / YPbPr

Edge Monitor provides focus guidance in addition to peaking and perfectly
placed magnify buttons. Zebra patterns are configurable and usable.

3 types of IS: standard, dynamic (when walking) and powered for max focal length stabilisation.

Onboard audio is very configurable with gain, attenuation and peak limiter."

Chris Hurd
May 11th, 2010, 08:59 AM
See this thread: for viewing tips -- the VLC
player is inferior to the free Sony XDCAM Player and other free options.

When commenting about a specific clip, please refer to its file name (4801.MXF, etc.). Thanks,

Daniel Caruso
May 11th, 2010, 09:19 AM
very awesome! thanks so much nick for taking the time to do the clips. thanks for putting them up chris!

unfortunately for me, i am still viewing in the VLC player, but none the less, i liked what i saw. going from my XHA1 footage, i liked how the color sample handles the sky detail. i always found the detail crumble in HDV with the slightest CC. i also noticed none to minimal noise in the unfocused areas or midtones, very pleased with that. 8301.MXF, you can see so much detail and for me it is nice and sharp (what i am looking for in my next camera). i will have to look at them in more detail, but again, thanks guys for posting them.

thats not your house is it nick? haha


Randy Panado
May 11th, 2010, 01:30 PM
Thanks for uploading these Nick! 8301 looks great!

Mark Grgurev
May 11th, 2010, 02:06 PM
AA005801.MXF is only 576KB and thus won't play.

Chris Hurd
May 11th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Sorry about that... I'll have to ask Nick to re-upload it.

Update: that file is now fixed; please try it again.

Barlow Elton
May 11th, 2010, 06:38 PM
Just wanted to say thanks, Nick. Very generous of you to take the time to shoot and upload those clips.

I would echo Daniel's comments--the camera's core image (when used correctly) appears to be extremely sharp, yet pleasingly smooth, with an improved dynamic range and excellent resolution. Definitely the benefit of CMOS and a longer development cycle with Canon.

I'm also very encouraged by the lack of CA in everything. It was a severe annoyance I simply accepted with the XL-H1 (on any of the lenses--6x, Stock 20x or even 16x manual SD) and the XH-A1 too. I was skeptical of the claims that CA was drastically reduced in this camera, but I'm a believer now. I'm amazed that they pulled that off with an 18x zoom. Wow--that's gotta account for a good share of the price of the camera. That's just plain stupid good optics for a small sensor.

One request: If you have the chance, go out and shoot some 720 50p, both as straight 50p and also overcrank mode, with a fast moving subject. Be sure to shoot with at least a 1/100 shutter, so we can get a filmic feel on the overcrank slow mo.

Again, THANKS! The effort to shoot and post quality clips is appreciated.


Mark Grgurev
May 11th, 2010, 08:51 PM
Thanks for fixing 5801.

All the footage looks gorgeous, I love the detail in the sky in 8301.

I can't wait to see some films or documentary shot with this. :-)

Ivan Pin
May 11th, 2010, 08:52 PM
Nick, great job!
Thank you very much!

Chris, thank you for giving space for these very interesting test clips.
DvInfo is the Best!

There is some magenta tint in the files.
This is an attempt color correction, made by my friend (sorry for the slight inaccuracy in the clip's name):

Canon XF300! on Vimeo

Josh Dahlberg
May 12th, 2010, 12:54 AM
Thanks Nick,

These shots are gorgeous - sensational detail... looks like a big step up from the XH series...

Especially the last shot with the cloud detail - looks like they've really boosted dynamic range vis-a-vis previous models.

Good stuff!

Michael Tamme
May 25th, 2010, 07:38 AM
Thanks so much Nick!

Btw. the files work great with MXF4mac.


Nick Wilcox-Brown
May 25th, 2010, 04:59 PM
Thanks for all the kind comments.

There is a magenta tint in some of the clips; this is a pre-production camera and "everything is subject to change" so don't take any subtle issues as representative of the finished product.

I'm working on more clips right now, so will try to get them up on Vimeo in some form asap.


Nick Wilcox-Brown
May 27th, 2010, 12:59 PM
The kind people at Canon who lent me this camera have confirmed that the magenta cast on certain white balance settings has been identified and resolved for production cameras

Ivan Pin
May 27th, 2010, 09:23 PM
This is great news, Nick.

Alan McCormick
October 27th, 2011, 10:12 AM
Nick, Thanks for providing these clips.

Is there anyway I can import into FCP7 so I can see how my Macbook pro handles them?
I tried Log & Transfer but you need a certain format, I guess the full folder structure when you import from a CF card.


Forgot to say they play fine in VLC player


David Mepham
October 28th, 2011, 06:51 AM
Canon's site has a freely available plug in which will then enable you to 'log and transfer' the files.

It only works on FCP 7 & earlier, it will not work with Final Cut X yet.