View Full Version : I'm getting great audio.

John Colette
May 10th, 2010, 04:29 AM
Shot a marketing video by myself 2 weeks back on the 5D. Ran my mike on overhead boom [Schoeps Cm41 :-) ] into my Wendt X2 field mixer. The X2 is the most robust and useful bit of kit - ever.

Anyway - ran XLRs to a field recorder, thinking I'd sync in pluraleyes. The Wendt has a stereo minijack mic out socket - so I ran tome from the mixer to set the 5D's levels manually. Used a well shielded Belkin 3.5mm minijack cable - and the "guide track" was all I needed.

The Wendt preamps are rock solid - so the camera is getting a great signal in - it seems to work just fine. Ran all vocal tracks to -12db in the final mix. I'm pretty happy with this setup and shooting "one man out" with the 5D.... :-)

Clip here: COFA promotional program: Art : Design : Media on Vimeo

Mike Hannon
May 10th, 2010, 10:58 AM
That clip is loading really slowly for me on my 8Mbps connection, and as a reult is stuttering a lot, FYI.

Mike Watson
May 10th, 2010, 01:24 PM
I gave up because of so much stuttering.

(But the audio sounded great!)

Peer Landa
May 10th, 2010, 02:24 PM
I gave up because of so much stuttering. (But the audio sounded great!)

To me it sounded a bit hissy (I always use headphones). Could have easily been masked with a noise-loop, or maybe even with a notch filter.

-- peer

Marcus Marchesseault
May 10th, 2010, 04:02 PM
I definitely noticed the hiss. If you can get a stronger signal coming from the recorder and turn down the 5D volume to a very low setting, you might be able to reduce that hiss. More mic signal and less 5D amplification seems to be the key for using in-camera audio with the 5D.

I also found the playback to be impossibly stuttered and I put the video on pause for a few minutes to try to let it pre-buffer. The mostly still images that played for me looked great so you did a fine job. I saw a bit of smooth camera movement here and there with the shots in the school, so my guess is your camera work was quite good. The audio hiss did not ruin the piece, but some tweaking would make it better.

John Colette
May 10th, 2010, 05:39 PM
Replaced the clip with a Vimeo upload.

Had the 5D audio very low in the chain .

I'm guessing the Wendt as preamplifier is around the juicedlink mark. Peer - you're right about the notch filter - I may re-look at the master to see if I can tick off that hiss.

Thanks for the feedback.
