View Full Version : Turn OIS on during handheld???

Chris Harding
May 9th, 2010, 05:55 AM
Hi All

Just wondering who uses the cams OIS system on handheld shots?? I'm running 2 cameras with the main always on a tripod so the OIS system is always off on that camera!! However my second camera is always handheld (both are shoulder-mount models actually) but I have been in the habit of not bothering to have OIS turned on with either camera and therefore often have to correct the odd wobble!!!

Do you make a point of using OIS on handheld shoots or is it a waste of time???


Trond Saetre
May 9th, 2010, 10:01 AM
I do mostly outdoors/nature filming, but regardless of what type of filming I do, I always keep the IS turned on for handheld shots.

Chris Estrella
May 10th, 2010, 12:58 AM
I almost never shoot with OIS off and yesterday when shooting an event, for some reason, it was off. I noticed a lot of shaking even on the tripod (because of people walking nearby) and turning it on made a huge difference. It may be the lazy way out, but I'm a lazy guy :)

Travis Cossel
May 10th, 2010, 12:54 PM
Do you make a point of using OIS on handheld shoots or is it a waste of time???

We always shoot with IS on during handheld shots. When we were shooting with XHA1's we would even leave the IS on while on a tripod, as the XHA1 IS seemed to work very well even in that situation. However, with shooting on DSLR's we've noticed you can't usually film with IS on while on a tripod if you're shooting static shots. The IS will cause the image to drift back and forth. It also drains the battery faster.

Jim Snow
May 10th, 2010, 01:01 PM
OIS can help when on a tripod if you are on a shaky floor but keep in mind that OIS can create problems with pans by causing strange motion artifacts especially at the beginning and end of pans.

Also, some cameras provide different levels of OIS sensitivity. You might experiment with different levels to see which works best for various shooting situations.

Chris Talawe
May 10th, 2010, 01:50 PM
I usually turn on the OIS when I go straight to handheld. I try to make it a habit to turn it on for those types of shots. When I mount it to a tripod I quickly turn it off. Granted, sometimes I don't remember to switch back and forth though.