View Full Version : NeoHD/4K/3D v5.0 public betas now available

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David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:14 PM
I'm not sure about your "revert fix," but it sure looks like a simple off-center top layer. It can happen if you accidentally click on the production window sometimes. Easy to identify and fix if it's that simple. Are you sure you don't have a dup copy of your vid under that layer?

If it's a GPU prob, it could be harder.

Thanks Stephen,

Reinstalled V5

I've removed all effects and just left the video layer, did another export and the line is there.

If export to MPEG2 the line isnt there. Only there in CF AVI.

Added new sequence imported just 1 video - Right clicked on the layers and deleted all empty tracks. Exported again and the line is there.

Marty Baggen
May 9th, 2010, 07:29 PM

I can tell you that I am not able to duplicate your issue.

Just out of curiosity, if you resize your footage in your output, say to 90% or so, is the shift still present?

Have you duplicated the shift with other footage?

Stephen Armour
May 9th, 2010, 07:33 PM
Doesn't sound good David. Have you tried the same thing as a non-CF project? That might isolate the culprit. Another thing to try is to re-interpret the footage, but it could well be a bug that needs to be stomped.

I'd weigh in with support on this one, as it could affect others if reproduceable. V5 is a still in beta, so it's a good thing to look into. You probably should post this separately to call attention to it. If it's a GPU specific prob, others with the same GPU should be able to reproduce it. If it's a possible V5 bug, support should know about it.

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:35 PM

I can tell you that I am not able to duplicate your issue.

Just out of curiosity, if you resize your footage in your output, say to 90% or so, is the shift still present?

Have you duplicated the shift with other footage?

Testing that now and uploading the source footage and a test project file

Doesn't sound good David. Have you tried the same thing as a non-CF project? That might isolate the culprit. Another thing to try is to re-interpret the footage, but it could well be a bug that needs to be stomped.

I'd weigh in with support on this one, as it could affect others if reproduceable. V5 is a still in beta, so it's a good thing to look into. You probably should post this separately to call attention to it. If it's a GPU specific prob, others with the same GPU should be able to reproduce it. If it's a possible V5 bug, support should know about it.

I tried a Pr default preset and export to CFHD and the line was still there.

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:40 PM
If its set to 90% the line is gone but there is just a little mark on the right still

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:44 PM

There is a test project with 1 project file with the source CFHD AVI - Can someone test that?

Marty Baggen
May 9th, 2010, 07:45 PM
So in my mind, that tells me that Pr is interpreting the footage properly, but it doesn't like it on the output side of things.

What is your source footage? HDV... tapeless?

Would a recapture be a sensible thing to try if not done already?

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:48 PM
So in my mind, that tells me that Pr is interpreting the footage properly, but it doesn't like it on the output side of things.

What is your source footage? HDV... tapeless?

Would a recapture be a sensible thing to try if not done already?

HDV from my Z1, used HDLink to capture the M2T file then used HDLink to convert it to AVI.

I dont think a recapture is worth it, when I revert back to NeoHD V4.3 the line is gone.

Can you test the above project with NeoHD V5?

Marty Baggen
May 9th, 2010, 07:52 PM
Will do... but don't have WinRar. Suggestions?

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:53 PM
Will do... but don't have WinRar. Suggestions?

WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP files (

Or I can reupload it in ZIP?

Marty Baggen
May 9th, 2010, 07:54 PM
I just snagged the trial version... as long as there's no limitations to it, I should be fine.

Stephen Armour
May 9th, 2010, 07:54 PM
Have you viewed your output with VirtualDub? If all viewers look the same, it's probably not a conflict with Media Player. Good to discount that one first.

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 07:57 PM
Have you viewed your output with VirtualDub? If all viewers look the same, it's probably not a conflict with Media Player. Good to discount that one first.

Only have WM and VLC which doesnt play CFHD files.

But again if I come back to using Neo 4.3 and windows media the line isnt there?

I'll download VD now then


Yes the line is there in VD.

Stephen Armour
May 9th, 2010, 08:05 PM
Only have WM and VLC which doesnt play CFHD files.

But again if I come back to using Neo 4.3 and windows media the line isnt there?

I'll download VD now then


Yes the line is there in VD.

Narrowing down. Better post it again as a possible bug and give your whole setup workflow so others with similar setups can test it. Need to squash that one if it's there for sure!

Marty Baggen
May 9th, 2010, 08:06 PM
David... my system didn't like your project file. Can you give me the settings of your project and sequence, and output settings as well.

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 08:09 PM
David... my system didn't like your project file. Can you give me the settings of your project and sequence, and output settings as well.

Odd its just a CS4 project file but I was using the Cineform Preset:

Editing mode: CineForm
Timebase: 25.00fps

Video Settings
Frame size: 1440h 1080v (1.3333)
Frame rate: 25.00 frames/second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: HD Anamorphic 1080 (1.333)
Fields: Upper Field First

Audio Settings
Sample rate: 48000 samples/second

Default Sequence
Total video tracks: 3
Master track type: Stereo
Mono tracks: 0
Stereo tracks: 3
5.1 tracks: 0
Submix mono tracks: 0
Submix stereo tracks: 0
Submix 5.1 tracks: 0


Exporting to CF AVI

1.33 PAR
25fps PAL
Upper Field

David Newman
May 9th, 2010, 08:15 PM
David, please work with support, as you have a number of outstanding issues (with this very footage) that others can't reproduce -- this thread is not the place for detailed support. However can report, I have tested this using the same footage (yours), and it does not do it here. I have tried many combinations, max quality on/off, 1920x1080 vs 1440x1080, 3D and 2D exports. Do check you export settings, as maybe the preset is wrong for 1440x1080@50i. I'm running a Premiere beta release, one version earlier than yours (don't expect that this is the cause) but I'm getting an Premiere crash when selecting "Match Sequence Settings", this is not pointing to our code (rather a Premiere error "[..\..\Src\CompilerMixer.cpp-66]"), so it either means I need the release CS5 or the preset is odd. Manually setting the parameters for the export works fine.

Marty Baggen
May 9th, 2010, 08:17 PM
David..... as per your settings and with your footage, I am unable to replicate the frame shift.

My output is clean.

If it were me, I would recapture. That's the first link in the chain. I know you get a clean output with the previous Cineform version, but it's a quick task and it may be the gremlin we're looking for.

If not.. then indeed, it may be a bug of some sort.

David Dwyer
May 9th, 2010, 08:22 PM
David, please work with support, as you have a number of outstanding issues (with this very footage) that others can't reproduce -- this thread is not the place for detailed support. However can report, I have tested this using the same footage (yours), and it does not do it here. I have tried many combinations, max quality on/off, 1920x1080 vs 1440x1080, 3D and 2D exports. Do check you export settings, as maybe the preset is wrong for 1440x1080@50i. I'm running a Premiere beta release, one version earlier than yours (don't expect that this is the cause) but I'm getting an Premiere crash when selecting "Match Sequence Settings", this is not pointing to our code (rather a Premiere error "[..\..\Src\CompilerMixer.cpp-66]"), so it either means I need the release CS5 or the preset is odd. Manually setting the parameters for the export works fine.

David..... as per your settings and with your footage, I am unable to replicate the frame shift.

My output is clean.

If it were me, I would recapture. That's the first link in the chain. I know you get a clean output with the previous Cineform version, but it's a quick task and it may be the gremlin we're looking for.

If not.. then indeed, it may be a bug of some sort.

Thanks Marty, Its odd but as its 3:20AM here the recapture will have to wait till later - Off to bed now

I have CS4 full and CS5 Trial installed on this PC.

If is the source footage I'll go mad - Thanks all

Sherri Nestico
May 9th, 2010, 10:00 PM
Didn't read this thread before I installed NeoHD 5 beta over my existing NeoHD. So I didn't realize (remember) that I needed to uninstall 4. However, I did a "request activation" for 5 and and received an activation key, but it doesn't work. Don't exactly know why - I guess the key is good for v4 only?

What do I do now? Just wait til v5 becomes final and then request activation again? Or do I have to uninstall version 4? Ack!!!

David Newman
May 9th, 2010, 10:10 PM
Not too dopey. You can't activate yet as this is beta, we will enough e-commerce for doing upgrade last this week. The recommendation for un-installing is unrelated to activation, it just means we know you have a clean install when new components are added.

Edwin Baldwin
May 11th, 2010, 12:46 PM
What is the interpolation curve between keyframes in NeoHD First Light?

Ed B

David Newman
May 11th, 2010, 01:01 PM
Edwin, Linear interpolation for now.

Stephen Armour
May 11th, 2010, 01:18 PM
David, the NEO4K 5.0 beta works well, but FL is still interpreting 30 fps I-frame only video as 24fps.

Will that little fix make it into the Friday release?

BTW, congrads on the new tools and other things in FL! Really great stuff and very welcome.

David Newman
May 11th, 2010, 01:41 PM
Stephen, That is not a FL bug, so it will not fixed as it is your file that way (FL is only displaying the metadata is it given.) If new conversions still do it, than report to support with full details and a sample source.

Stephen Armour
May 11th, 2010, 03:08 PM
Stephen, That is not a FL bug, so it will not fixed as it is your file that way (FL is only displaying the metadata is it given.) If new conversions still do it, than report to support with full details and a sample source.

Now I'm confused. This is using the exact same data I already uploaded to support, that WAS confirmed to be a bug in FL! No file I tried correctly interpreted the TC metadata on any converted file (old or new), including a very recent one I already uploaded to support last week.

Please explain.

David Dwyer
May 11th, 2010, 03:16 PM
Well after uninstalling and reinstalling I have finally sorted out the line issue.

Because I started the project with PHD then moved to NeoHD V5 then went back to NeoHD V4.3 Premiere reverted the preview AVIs from CF to Microsoft and thats what cause the line issue.

I'm almost finished this project so after its posted I'm going to do a clean install and start again!

David Newman
May 11th, 2010, 03:17 PM
Stephen, That is why you should be following up on a trouble ticket. I can't be expected to remember the setup for every user. So no idea, please follow up with support.

David Dwyer
May 11th, 2010, 03:19 PM
David I never logged a ticket for the line issue only the fuzzy exports with reds/orange colours.

Ah I see you added Stephens name.

Brant Gajda
May 15th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Just like to thank cineform for adding Flip Horizontal/Vertical in FirstLight. Having a GoPro HD camera, this is a big help until GoPro gets their firmware updated.