View Full Version : "Joey and Jerome's Artistic Meaningful Independent Film" online now at Atom Films

Josh Bass
May 5th, 2010, 04:56 PM
Hello friends.

You've occasionally seen my announcements about my most recent (a relative term to be sure) short film "Joey and Jerome's Artistic Meaningful Independent Film" (learn all about it here: jj2 main (

The award-winning short (17 minutes) film is now online at Atom Films for free viewing for a limited time, if you'd like to see it.

IF that link doesn't work, go to and do a search for "Joey and Jerome"

If you like it, there' s a green/red bar under the video player with an "I like it" option. If you click that, it "votes" for my video, as part of one of Atom's tournaments.

Robert Martens, a DVinfo member, totally digs it. Or he told me he did. If that motivates you.

Robert Martens
May 5th, 2010, 07:27 PM
Hi, I'm DV Info Net's Robert Martens; you may remember me from such posts as, Josh Bass' comments above, and that other one from that thing that time.

"Joey and Jerome's Artistic Meaningful Independent Film" is a tour de force of deep meanings and artisticness, sure to enthrall even the meowst jaded critic. I can't give this film enough thumbs up without raiding a tractor trailer hauling medical waste!

Go watch it, and click the votey thing. Because I said so.

Josh Bass
May 5th, 2010, 09:42 PM
Thanks, Rob!