David Ennis
July 16th, 2005, 01:58 PM
Clearly there are way too many of these failures for a world class electronic goods manufacturer. But as an owner of a GL2 that hasn't exhibited this problem yet, I wonder what my own odds are?
Only Canon knows the actual scope of the problem, but let's estimate. If 100 GL2s had been sold per day worldwide for two years, that would be about 70,000 in the field. I think I've seen maybe 15 or 20 distinct complaints here and at camcorderinfo.com combined. Let's say only one in ten afflicted owners find their way to these sites. That would imply that the odds were 300 to 1 in my favor. I can live with that.
If anyone else is interested in this game, how would you change my parameters (number of GL2s in the field, number of distinct internet complaints, percentage of victims who have reported on the internet), and what odds would result?
Only Canon knows the actual scope of the problem, but let's estimate. If 100 GL2s had been sold per day worldwide for two years, that would be about 70,000 in the field. I think I've seen maybe 15 or 20 distinct complaints here and at camcorderinfo.com combined. Let's say only one in ten afflicted owners find their way to these sites. That would imply that the odds were 300 to 1 in my favor. I can live with that.
If anyone else is interested in this game, how would you change my parameters (number of GL2s in the field, number of distinct internet complaints, percentage of victims who have reported on the internet), and what odds would result?