View Full Version : Tips and Thoughts!... on my shots.

Kelly Langerak
May 3rd, 2010, 12:25 PM
ere are some freeze frames of my clips from my first wedding on my 7D.

So, maybe this is well known, but the shots on my 7D looking at the view finder or screen seemed properly exposed, but after looking at them in post they all seemed over exposed. I added a 3-way color corrector and adjusted it to taste.

Is this normal? Should I plan on under exposing next time?

Any tips too on how I could enhance this shot to look better too?

I shot using Faithful this time around.



Liam Hall
May 3rd, 2010, 01:20 PM
HI Kelly,

I had a quick look, you're right you have overexposed. You've also got the WB wrong.

A high contrast set-up like you have here is not easy to correctly expose with this camera. Also, in mixed light selecting the right WB can be a challenge.

Judging exposure by the LCD can work in a controlled environment, but not when you are running around. You need to learn how to use your camera's meter, especially exposure compensation and also learn and use your histogram. Choose a WB closest to your key light or learn to use the custom WB feature.

Got to run, I'll try and give a few more pointers later...