View Full Version : Elise and Klayton

Mark Hendren
May 3rd, 2010, 10:03 AM
Hey folks! Just finished this one and wanted to get some commentary if you are willing. Also, Klayton (the groom) just shipped off to Iraq, so if you would like to leave some words of encouragement for him, I will copy and paste them into his facebook page.



Elise and Klayton - Mark Five Productions, Birmingham, Alabama on Vimeo

Stephen J. Williams
May 4th, 2010, 06:35 PM

Good job on this video. I really liked it. It had a very natural feel throughout the video. I had a good feeling throughout the entire video...


Aaron Mayberry
May 5th, 2010, 12:08 PM
Great video, well constructed! Flowed nicely with the music.

I'd brighten up a few of the earlier shots, a few seemed slightly dark.

I'd also remove the shot of the pew. Though it's cool, it has nothing to do with their wedding. If you want to keep it in, I would at least cut it in half(currently 4-5 second long clip) and show another detail shot.

I would also try to raise the gamma on the last shot, which is the perfect composition for an ending shot. The couple seems a little dark...

Mark Hendren
May 5th, 2010, 12:33 PM
Thanks for the feedback guys! It is always great to hear what other professionals think.

Jason Selmes
May 15th, 2010, 09:49 PM
I enjoyed it thanks for the experience. I am not sure what the start was about with the groom with the sword and how it fitted for the start of the highlights?

other than that brilliant

Mark Hendren
May 17th, 2010, 10:47 AM
"I am not sure what the start was about with the groom with the sword and how it fitted for the start of the highlights?"

To explain, this was one of the groom's friends explaining how they were going to do the archway of swords after the ceremony. To anyone looking, it probably doesn't have very much meaning. The bride gets slapped on the rear end by the last guy as a "welcome to the Army." Just a way of welcoming her into the "family." I thought it would be nice since that was in a sense what the whole day was about.

Thanks again for all the comments!