View Full Version : Quick Multi-Cam Advice

Steve Kalle
May 2nd, 2010, 12:18 PM
I have been planning on shooting a 3 day Cinco de Mayo concert/fair starting this coming Friday but we lost our extra cameramen.

So, my idea now is to just rent one EX1 and have it framed with a little more than the full stage in view. Our destination will mainly be SD (DVD & broadcast). Therefore, in post, I can easily zoom into the video at varying amounts to simulate various zoom levels. (This camera will be stationary on a platform and a cop will be guarding it)

I will be shooting with my own EX1 and I will have our Sony XR500V on the stage (with a wide angle adapter) either on a tripod or clamped to a support bar using the HunterCam Cradle Mini.

I will rent a Fostex FR-2LE to record from the stage mixer, and will also use a Sony plug-on transmitter from the stage mixer going to both EX1s for easy syncing in post. However, the sound quality doesn't have to super pristine so I was wondering if I really need the Fostex.

So to my main question: is my plan on how to use the 2nd EX1 a waste of time/money or will it add to the overall production value?


Bob Jackson
May 2nd, 2010, 03:56 PM
A camera locked on "WIDE" is never a bad idea.
Will get you out of lots of problems.
I usually like to shoot an event like that with one.

Marcus Durham
May 2nd, 2010, 04:29 PM
A camera locked on "WIDE" is never a bad idea.
Will get you out of lots of problems.
I usually like to shoot an event like that with one.

I'd second this. Another camera gives you options in the edit and gives you shots to cover your backside when something goes wrong with camera 1. The classic at conferences is someone deciding to get up halfway through a presentation and walk straight across shot. A second angle covers this.

The 2nd camera can be an EX1 but if budgets are tight there are passable consumer cams out there that work well for locked off wides. I've just purchased a tiny Canon Legira/Vixia HFS-11. I was impressed by its tiny size and reasonable image quality. While I have professional cameras I can use as B units the Canon is small enough to snuggle into the same bag as the EX1 and opens up a whole load of new production possibilities. There's place you can put it where a larger camera wouldn't be practical and there are all sorts of mounts that are available. You could even stick it up in the lighting rig and leave it recording (give it the right battery and it should be good for at least 5 hours).

Steve Kalle
May 2nd, 2010, 05:27 PM
Thanks guys.

Now, about using small consumer cams, as I stated, we have a Sony XR500V. My current plan is to use it on the corner of the stage with a wide angle adapter. However, my client certainly would like to save money. With that said, can someone provide a link to a video that was cut with a pro camera and a consumer camera?

Actually, I just thought of a problem: I can't use Flash Band correction on the XR500V's footage, and there will be a few photogs on stage. Well, that's all the more reason why we need another EX1 (at least for this event).

I am still interested, though, in using our XR500V as a 2nd cam for other events. So, does anyone have a link to video shot with EX1/3 and any consumer cam?

Also, is there any issue syncing a 60i consumer cam with 30p xdcam in post?


Harry Christensen
May 3rd, 2010, 03:46 AM
Since your destination is SD you will have little problem mixing the two cameras. I shot a wedding last summer using an XL2 and a Z7u. The XL was the secondary camera and the Z7 was the primary. I combined the two videos on a final cut time line and let it handle the up conversion of the SD footage and used compressor to down convert for the DVD burn. I had more issues with the color differences than any format issues. The end product came out great and that says a lot for the XL. I now have an EX3 and I have not had a chance to compare that with an XL but I suspect that if I was going to DVD the results would be similar.

David Issko
May 3rd, 2010, 05:40 AM
I'd second this. Another camera gives you options in the edit and gives you shots to cover your backside when something goes wrong with camera 1.
I third this. Less than 2 weeks ago I shot an on stage reading (from scripts) of a show in the works. 2 cams. EX3, locked off, wide shot of entire stage and PMW-350 as close up camera I operated. The reading was conducted by students and to help lift the 'production quality' up a notch, constant cutting between the 2 super closely matching cameras (considering the 350 was 1 day out of the box) was a must. Gave an otherwise dull reading a little life.

So you have at least 2 reasons for using 2nd EX1 if possible. Best wishes.