View Full Version : Firmware udpate for PDW-F800/700

Doug Jensen
May 2nd, 2010, 07:17 AM
Although V1.63 was released a few weeks ago, I don't see a thread here announcing it.
If I missed it, sorry.

If you haven't updated your F800/700 yet, you should because there are dozens of changes.
My two favorite imrpovements are:

1) It's much easier now to display the clip name in the viewfinder while you're shooting.
2) You can display the Scene File number in the viewfinder.

Sony | Micro Site - XDCAM (

And don't forget to update all your XDCAM software and drivers (including the U1) at the same time.

Paul Cronin
May 2nd, 2010, 08:31 AM
Thanks for the reminder Doug I will update today.

Will have to try it later right now the site takes me all the way to software download after entering my password then just gives me a blank white screen.

Dennis Dillon
May 2nd, 2010, 11:20 AM
Everybody with an XD camera or deck should keep all software updates on a thumb drive, and install it on your client's computers. Keep a watch on the site for updates.
I have asked Sony to use "Auto updating" hyperlinks when one is on line using Sony XD software, so you and your clients can receive the latest updates. In the mean time, you need to be pro active in this software situation.

Sony | Micro Site - XDCAM (

Paul Cronin
May 2nd, 2010, 12:24 PM
Thanks Dennis that would be very helpful if Sony gave us the notice when we are online using the software.

I still get a blank white screen hum I will try again later. Even if I say send me my password it is blank white screen.

Dennis nice to see you at NAB and talk for a bit. Hope your found the phone?

Dennis Dillon
May 2nd, 2010, 07:18 PM
Yes, I found it using the apple app fop locating and sending a message to my lost phone. Got it right back.

I'll keep on Sony for the Hyperlinks to updated software.

Andy Shipsides
May 3rd, 2010, 07:53 PM
Many of my clients have been waiting for this update for one reason - 24p recording in SD modes. Not really exciting I know but the stringers love it.

I wrote a blog about some of the Xdcam updates from NAB here -