View Full Version : Editing scenes from 2 camcorders

David Scotch
April 30th, 2010, 03:03 AM
Hi guys,

David here. I'm a novice and would greatly appreciate anyone's insight on this.

Let say I'm filming an interview between A and B. I'll be using 2 camcorders/2 tripods (one for each person).

What do you think is the most effective/efficient method to edit the footages in order to switch scenes while A or B are talking?

PS: I plan to edit this on Sony Vegas.



Dom Stevenson
April 30th, 2010, 03:52 AM
I don't use Vegas but in FCP it's a job for the multiclip function. Very simple and highly effective.

Quick Google turned up this:

Adrian's Journal: Sony Vegas Pro 8 Tutorial - Multicamera Editing (

David Scotch
April 30th, 2010, 02:15 PM
Thanks Dom! You made my day!

That solved the problem.

Laurence Janus
May 1st, 2010, 03:45 AM
I often shoot DV with multiple cameras, starting and stopping one of the cameras while the other one rolls.

I found that capturing footage using the program WinDV ( helped incredibly with syncing up the footage by creating time stamped files for each scene.

Just make sure to set the time correctly on the cameras!!!

I realize you have solved your specific issue but I hoped this program could be useful for someone else.

David Scotch
May 3rd, 2010, 01:31 AM
Thanks for the recording tip Laurence! Just made a note of it.

I assume that WinDV only applies to DV format? Both of my camcorders will be flash memories such as the Sony Cx150.

Marcus Marchesseault
May 9th, 2010, 01:09 PM
Look in to Pluraleyes which syncs multiple cameras based on their audio tracks. A friend has it and I have seen its results. I think it takes quite a while to analyze lots of clips, but it synched footage from a shoot with two DSLRs with a separate audio track on a Zoom H4n. It lined things up perfectly and probably saved an entire day of an editor lining things up individually.

Singular Software (