Gary Barr
April 28th, 2010, 08:10 AM
It's very confusing on these cams to know how to set the native 25p in the menus as it just says PF25, in which mode you can also set the shutter speed of your choice (this is what I have done up til now). Is this native 25p?
But also there's the 'Cinema Mode' which seems to disable the option of changing the shutter speed (odd??). Is the 'cinema mode' actually the 25p in 50i mode? If so that's just too counter-intuitive. Can someone clear this one up for me?
I'd like to record 25p native AND set my own shutter speed.
Jack Smith
May 2nd, 2010, 08:40 PM
Hi Gary, I'm going to try to help, but to let you know I have a HFS21 on order and don't have it yet.
Another problem is I'm in NTSC land so our camera has 3 options of 60i, pf24 and 24f.
24f is native 24progressive. My manual shows on page 64 to set native 24f go to func, menu,then it shows an icon of 2 frames, then frame rate, then 24f.
I think your pf25 is Not native but 50i converted.You need 25f.
The cine mode is a seperate item that adds effects to emulate film.You don't have to use it to get native 25progressive.
I can't tell by the manual but it appears you can still use any exposure program to allow shutter adjustment.You may be restricted as to how low you can go.
Actually I just found on page72 it shows what shutter speeds are available. 1/6,1/12,1/24,1/48, 1/60,1/100,1/250,1/500,1/1000,1/2000.
Yours maybe 1/25, 1/50 instead of 1/24,1/48.
Maybe someone with PAL unit will chime in.
Gary Barr
May 3rd, 2010, 11:15 AM
thanks for that. It's just that there is no option for either 25F or 25P, just 25PF??
Jack Smith
May 3rd, 2010, 10:49 PM
Sorry Gary, seems to be quite a difference from the Vixia.
Rainer Listing
May 4th, 2010, 12:18 AM
Gary, This has caused endless confusion, but simply, 25PF is 25p, the f just indicates each frame is stored in two fields, just like interlaced is stored in two fields, but in the case of 25pf it's captured progressively rather than interlaced. Just treat it as p in your NLE. Cine mode does capture in 25pf and attempts to set the shutter speed for you at or close to 1/50th second, but it does other things and whether you would want to use it is a whole different issue. Basically it also trades off a slight increase in dynamic range for lower contrast and softer focus. Opinion is divided between, at the extremes, those who use cinemode all the time because they think cinemode makes their video look more like film and they enjoy color correcting, and those who never use it because they think it wrecks their footage.