Peter Moretti
April 28th, 2010, 01:57 AM
Intensity Shuttle is coming out w/ a USB 3 interface. I would think Intensity Pro's PCI Express is better, although it requires a workstation instead of a laptop.
Any reason, to go with Shuttle over Pro for CineForm NeoHD capture besides that USB 3 can work with some laptops?
Also, are there still sometimes audio sync issues w/ Intensity capture, or have these been ironed out?
Thanks much!
Tom Santopolo
May 6th, 2010, 01:54 PM
I believe the shuttle requires an X58 motherboard. It requires 2 PCI Express 2.0 lanes that run at 16X each. One for your video card and one for your USB3 card. The X58 based motherboards are the only ones that have 2 of them that run at 16X each. I am not sure there is a laptop out at this point that can run the shuttle.
Here is the manufactures requirements:
Installation: USB 3.0. Requires x58 based computer or better with a USB 3.0 connection. Does not support USB 2.0 capture and playback. Please check the Support pages to see the full system requirements.
Also check this out:
Re: USB3 for new Blackmagic Products : Blackmagic Design (
Peter Moretti
May 10th, 2010, 01:39 AM
Tom, thanks so much for that info!
Martin Rahn
May 10th, 2010, 03:57 AM
[QUOTE=Tom Santopolo;1523969]I believe the shuttle requires an X58 motherboard. It requires 2 PCI Express 2.0 lanes that run at 16X each. One for your video card and one for your USB3 card. The X58 based motherboards are the only ones that have 2 of them that run at 16X each. I am not sure there is a laptop out at this point that can run the shuttle.
Here is the manufactures requirements:
Installation: USB 3.0. Requires x58 based computer or better with a USB 3.0 connection. Does not support USB 2.0 capture and playback. Please check the Support pages to see the full system requirements.
Some new x58 motherboards support USB 3.0 natively and do not require a special card. I just built a system with an x58 mobo with USB 3.0 built in--no card required.
Martin Rahn
Tom Santopolo
May 10th, 2010, 06:21 AM
Yes I know. But I am not sure if even those are fast enough. The chips are still under development, It appears the unit needs the full speed of USB3. Matrox doesn't really list any compatible motherboards or devices with USB3 built in.
Ben Denham
November 6th, 2010, 07:40 PM
From Black Magic Support FAQ
"Can I use a USB 3.0 ExpressCard in my Mac or Windows notebook?
ExpressCards for notebooks are not supported and will not work. The bandwidth they currently support is not suitable for Intensity Shuttle, UltraStudio Pro or Pocket UltraScope."
Blackmagic Design: Support Detail (