View Full Version : Looking for help with editing...
Matthew Sagowitz April 27th, 2010, 05:53 PM I have a question I'm hoping you guys can answer for me. I have just started doing video depositions using a Sony HVR-V1u. The problem is that the time date stamp is not displayed when filming but is embeded on the tape, so I was told. I was wondering how I can bring that out with editing software. I have no experience with editing at all. All I have is Adobe Premiere Elements and was wondering if this would allow me to do this. Thanks
Adam Gold April 27th, 2010, 06:27 PM Depends on what you want to do.
If you want the date and time permanently burned into the tape, you must do this while recording. Turn DATE REC on (P. 84)
If you just want the Time and Date to display while you play back from the cam, turn DATA CODE to DATE while in VCR mode (p. 73-74).
If you want to burn the date and time in after you've recorded using your editing software, you can't if you're editing HDV. There is a utility called DVDATE that will do this for DV files and plugs into Premiere (but not Elements, I don't think).
Ron Evans April 27th, 2010, 07:49 PM Edius can embed the original or timeline timecode and then export in whatever format is chosen so the original timecode can then be burned into the output in any format. Try the trial version of Edius Neo.
Ron Evans
Matthew Sagowitz April 30th, 2010, 07:57 AM Thanks guys for the quick responses, I downloaded Edius Neo in hopes that will solve my problem
Thanks again
Adam Gold April 30th, 2010, 10:40 AM Please let us know how it works. If it does, it'll answer a request that many have had and until now, the answer has always been you can't do this with HDV.
Ron Evans April 30th, 2010, 11:22 AM Edius can superimpose timecode, recording day, recording time, recording date, or a two line date and time display. The display can be positioned in 15 selected locations in the frame and in three sizes of font. Output can be any of the Edius output options. Clearly the information has to be in the original file !!!
Selection is made under Application Settings>customize>overlay, all under the Setting tab on the preview screen
It is not something I have used but I just confirmed with a HDV file from Dec of a dance show I did. I just used a short clip and created another HDV file with the date and time superimposed in small font in bottom right corner.
Ron Evans
Adam Gold April 30th, 2010, 11:25 AM Ron, your info on this has been very helpful. Your posts on this are making me think that at the very least I need to add Edius to my toolbox, as it seems to do many of the things I need that Premiere doesn't (yet).
Isn't there supposed to be a new version of Edius' Neo coming out soon?
Ron Evans April 30th, 2010, 11:46 AM Adam, it would definately be worth a look. Professional Video Products | Grass Valley ( Neo 2.5 had the AVCHD booster before Edius pro. They are both now at the same sort of level with the release of Edius Pro 5.5 as far as AVCHD is concerned. The Pro version has a few more features like in my mind the best multicam, the pro codecs etc. The main feature of Edius is that the aim is always realtime full resolution full frame rate output and in the main this is achieved in all but the most complex layering and filters etc. I now use Edius for video but still use Vegas for audio and no longer use Premiere though I still have all three!!!
Ron Evans
Adam Gold April 30th, 2010, 12:06 PM The multicam is what most interests me, and you've noted in the past that Edius has no problem importing the correct timecode from file-based m2t clips (which Premiere CS5 does not, as yet, although it *might* in an upcoming dot update). Is it only the Pro version that does this? The comparison page on the GV site doesn't work....
Ron Evans April 30th, 2010, 04:21 PM The multicam is only on the Pro version not Neo. It is very good and almost all my projects use multicam. I have a key set up on my Shuttle Pro2 that toggles between normal timeline and multicam which makes it easy to edit in multicam then view in normal. Small changes can be made by dragging the cut points with the mouse. I use this to rough cut in real time( pressing number keypad while playing in multicam to switch cameras) then fine tune to get the cut exactly at the point I want by altering timeline scale if needed to a frame by frame scale. In normal view one can see all the clips with their disables etc.
Ron Evans
Dale Guthormsen May 1st, 2010, 05:17 PM Adam,
You should give Neo a try to be ceertain, I am surre you will be pleasantly surprised. I also thought it was more like premiere pro than Vegas pro.
always keep two different video editors in my box, presently I run Vegas 8.0c and Edius Pro (Trial, but ordered the full pro version). Oc course one has to kind of revel in new learning curves.
Colin Browell May 4th, 2010, 11:22 AM You might also like to take a look at DVMP Pro which can superimpose date, time, timecode and camera exposure details of DV, HDV and AVCHD using any font size and position. You can also extract the details as csv and srt files. There's a demo version to try out at (