Giannis Pass
April 26th, 2010, 03:14 AM
i am a wedding videographer from Greece.
In my country it is very common, to use strobe lights for the photos, so i have a lot of work to do with clip browser and flash band.
Can you help me, because i am very confussed?
What is the right way to work with this program?
I am opening the folder with the video from sxs card.
Then select all the files, right click and then flash band?
Thats all?
I have to select detect and correct? (what is the difference with correct?)
And something else.
Steve Kalle
April 26th, 2010, 07:56 PM
I am also trying to figure out how to utilize flashband correction; however, I am trying to get the corrected video in my NLE (Premiere).
In ClipBrowser, select the videos, right-click and select Flash Band > Detect & Correct. Once its done, you have to open each video in the preview window, then select the Flash Band tab, then select Load and then check the "Preview" box.
The corrected clips are copied into a specified folder, which you can change by going into 'Options'.
Giannis Pass
April 27th, 2010, 07:41 AM
ClipBrowser, select the videos, right-click and select Flash Band > Detect & Correct.
Ok until here.
Why i have also to load into the preview monitor?
Steve Kalle
April 27th, 2010, 09:54 AM
Load into preview monitor so you can see the points where it found flash and so you can see the corrected video. You can also add points in case it didn't find all of them.
Or you can just go to the folder with the corrected clips to view them.
I find the detection & correction to work rather well. In one clip, I was zooming in during a flash and the software had no problem fixing it.
Alister Chapman
April 27th, 2010, 10:15 AM
Just a note that it only really works with Interlace clips.
Steve Kalle
April 27th, 2010, 01:03 PM
Allister, I only shoot progressive and have no problem using FB correction.
John Poipie
April 28th, 2010, 07:21 AM
I wonder if the 350 and the 320 also has this problem.
Sony made ENG-camera versions of the EX1 and EX3, but did they also solve the flash banding
The ENG-Job is the place to expect a lot of flashes. I can see how one is spending a lot of time removing banding after shooting.
Does the new Canons also have this flash banding problem?
Alister Chapman
April 28th, 2010, 03:30 PM
Flash banding is caused by the way Cmos sensors are scanned. All current Cmos cameras suffer from it to a greater or lesser degree, so the PMW-350 and 320 both suffer from it as do the Canon cameras. It will take a major redesign of Cmos sensors and the use of new technology to eliminate it. Even RED and the new Arri Alexa suffer from it.