Randy Sanchez
April 26th, 2010, 12:37 AM
are there any cameras which record to hard drive which use the HDV format ? i have been editing footage from sony fx1's with AVCHD footage off a canon and i find the AVCHD a pain.. i need to buy a small camera soon for an extra angle and i need it to be able to run up to two hours without stopping.. So hard disk is my only option but id like to avoid AVCHD if i can..
Any suggestions ?
Adam Gold
April 26th, 2010, 11:12 AM
Any HDV tape cam should put out m2t streams via FW. Depends on the recorder you want to use. I think the Firestores will record m2t -- I know the Sony DR60 (and MRC1k [CF Card]) will.
Internally, no, I don't think so. Hard Drive by definition (I think) is AVCHD.
Dave Blackhurst
April 26th, 2010, 11:19 AM
short answer, no, HDV is tape, AVCHD will be the format used with the flash/HDD cameras. I do see an option in my Sony Picture motion browser software to export to MPEG-2, and there are other methods of transcoding the files.
Virtually any of the solid state cameras should be able to or have the option to (bigger cards) run for 2+ hours straight.
Randy Sanchez
April 26th, 2010, 12:34 PM
thats a bugger.. HDV is so much easier to work with.. Guess i'll have to work with AVCHD as best i can..
Giroud Francois
April 26th, 2010, 04:34 PM
the EX1 is recording HDV compatible on SxS, and some other camera are recording mpeg2 on disk (the Everio GZ-HD7, and some canon).
the probleme with external recording device is they usually wait for a HDV stream on firewire, and most new AVCHD cam are just outputting to USB for file transfer.
Else i got a unused sony HVR-DR60 disk recorder i would be happy to sell.
Chris Soucy
April 26th, 2010, 07:54 PM
Randy, doing a bit of lateral thinking, why not just plug your chosen HDV cam firewire port into a suitably spec'd laptop, fire up your NLE weapon of choice and let her rip.
It'll record for as long as you have disc space and the battery holds out.
Better still, no tapes to ingest afterwards!
Just a thought.