View Full Version : Canon E1 plugin questions

Jim Newberry
April 24th, 2010, 04:01 PM
What's the easiest way to import 5D clips into FCP, via the E1 plugin, when you've already transferred the files from the CF card (and trashed the .thm files)? I've found info about this (including these posts but this isn't working for me--I keep getting the error:

"contains unsupported media or has an invalid directory structure. Please choose a folder whose directory structure matches supported media."

I've tried copying the .mov back to a CF card, and grabbing it from there, but I still get the error. I've tried creating the Canon CF directory structure on my HD, and that's not working. Does the E1 plugin need the .thm files present? Do I need to make a disk image?


To put another way:

What exactly must be present for the E1 log & transfer to work? There's more to it than just recreating the file structure, right? Do .thm files need to be present? Can E1 be used once you've transferred your .mov files to your hard drive? Will making a disk image solve the problem?

Declan Smith
April 25th, 2010, 01:30 PM
You may find this thread over on the 7d forum of use. In there is discussion about the directory layout and there is a sample thm file that you can use if you have lost the original.

Jim Newberry
April 25th, 2010, 01:42 PM
Thanks Declan, that's exactly what I was looking for.

To recap what was said on the other thread: you do need a .thm file, but you can use any .thm file. So you can reconstruct the directory on your hard drive, and if you don't have the original .thm files to go with the clips, use another .thm (but one created by your camera). So the thumbnail will be wrong when you use log and transfer, but this will allow you to use the plugin. No need to make a disk image or copy back to CF card.

Declan Smith
April 25th, 2010, 03:08 PM
Glad that was useful however, when you say 'no need to make a disk image or copy back to CF card', that all depends on your backup strategy. Personally I prefer to make an entire copy of the SD card as a disk image, and then log and transfer from the uniquely named disk image in much the same way as a tape workflow (as I suggested in the quick tutorial YouTube - Canon 7D Final cut pro EOS plugin Ingest Workflow Part 2 ( ), so that in the event that the media gets removed, I can quickly restore it from FCP. I then copy the disk images to a separate drive.

I only do this for video projects though. With stills, I leave the backing up to timemachine.