Dave Morgan
April 22nd, 2010, 11:04 PM
What are some good ways to advertise for getting corporate video work?ie tv commercials, traning videos, etc
ive been using google awords for a littlebit but no calls, Do you think Postcard mailings would be good?
Shaun Roemich
April 23rd, 2010, 11:28 AM
There is only ONE tried, tested and true method for getting good quality clients - networking. Either pound the pavement (literally or virtually) and ASK EXISTING CLIENTS FOR REFERRALS.
Don Bloom
April 23rd, 2010, 03:23 PM
it's been my experience that companies will rarely call someone from an ad. As Shaun stated the best way is to network. Talk to everyone you know, pass out cards, maybe even cold call to companies. Ask for the art director or the PR manager or the product manager although many companies will have more than one PM, ask for the advertisng director and be ready to be told no thanks in most cases. Like almost all of them. Some you might not even see the person but it's a numbers game and all you need to start with is 1.
Join a couple of networking groups. In my area there are a number of business organizations besides the Chamber of Commerce and this is where you will find other business people and in many cases the owner or decision maker or at least someone who can tell you who to talk to about doing work for them.
Now more than ever networking is the key to at least being able to make a pitch to a company.
I've found over the years that rarely does advertising or direct mail work in the corporate world.
Chris Davis
April 24th, 2010, 04:25 PM
Networking is the way. I've been in business full-time for four years and have worked hard to attend all the chamber of commerce functions, volunteer to be on committees and help out area non-profit organizations. I've become sort of the local video expert and I'm finally starting to see the fruits of that networking. We're doing more video than ever and getting more projects every week. I'm finally to the point where I'm looking to hire an editor so I can be free for more sales and management.
In short, my formula has been time + networking = success!
John Carroll
May 24th, 2010, 04:35 PM
This is good advice...I started my own company about 90 days ago and have been kicking around the idea of adwords and direct mail as well. Putting myself in the clients shoes, I don't see myself responding to an add like that. Gotta build up that thick skin and get yourself in front of some people.
Adwords is still tempting though...Anyone here ever have success with adwords?
Roger Van Duyn
May 25th, 2010, 09:32 AM
I sometimes do videos for charity fund raisers. Then I deliver, in person, complimentary DVDs ( with an insert in the case that's partially my marketing materials) to the sponsors of the event. The latest project has around 50 more DVDs to deliver to sponsors.
As an aside, some of the secretaries asked me if I did wedding videos. (Of course I do!) Along with DVDs, lots of business cards passed out.
Passing out freebies, politely answering questions, being visible and helpful, making a favorable impression, not being pushy, giving personal attention, all this not only generates business, but can also make you some new friends.