Sam Mendolia
April 21st, 2010, 06:06 AM
Has anyone tried to film with an infrared filter in front of the lens?
I know you won't be able to see anything through the viewfinder, but will the chip in the camera be able to "see" through it, and get something useful?
Tim Kolb
April 21st, 2010, 08:05 AM
Maybe I misunderstand the question...
Most camcorders have an infrared filter in them (to remove infrared from incoming spectrum).
The "far red" filters that have been a topic of conversation for the original EX1, EX3, and RED cameras actually filter red in the visible spectrum...not really infrared. These cameras will typically demonstrate a subtle to obvious red sensitivity when looking at a black surface (cloth is usually the worst), and filters like the Tiffen T1 that I use (as well as several other products that are available) reduce that red tint in those dark surfaces.
I know of no filter you could put in front of a lens and "see" infrared through the camera's internal filter, but I have seen a scenario where someone took a consumer camcorder apart and removed the internal filtering system...
Bob Grant
April 21st, 2010, 08:52 AM
Many of the consummer cameras have a "nightshoot" mode that actually moves the IR cut filter from the optical path. Probably one of those cameras in conjunction with an IR pass filter would do the trick.
Mike Sims
April 21st, 2010, 08:45 PM
Hi Sam. I suggest you check out the pages on camcorders and filters as well as the example images on this site:
Sam Mendolia
April 24th, 2010, 04:18 PM
Alrighty then,
I read someof the past posts, and decided to try it out.
I put my filter on my Optura, and was amazed at how well it worked and the great results.
The colour was not what I expected, a bonus, as I was expecting a reddish magenta colour.
I got a sepia colour tone,which would look interesting, for a period kind of look.
I play some more for the weird look and then mess with it in post, to see what I can come up with.
Tim Kolb
April 24th, 2010, 04:30 PM
The colour was not what I expected, a bonus, as I was expecting a reddish magenta colour.
I have no idea how you read what I wrote and expected a reddish tint... As I said, it -filters- red.
The Tiffen T1 I mentioned takes out the red tint in the blacks that certain cameras have...the opposite of a red tint.