Robert Nagle
July 14th, 2005, 06:12 PM
Hi, there, I'm going to introduce myself.
I'm a scriptwriter and weblogger from Houston involved with the creative commons movement. I'm relatively new to filmmaking, though I have a strong background in narratives and storytelling.
I'm working on a video documentary (to shoot in September). Also, I'm working on a series of short experimental films, and in a year or two, feature comedies (more along the lines of sitcoms). Everything shot on video (which I have yet to buy).
I go to swamp events around town. I'm still in the learning stage/equipment buying stage. I'm hemming and hawwing between the respectable Panasonic PV-GS400, a 3CCD camera with lots of manual features, but poor low-lighting performance (1200$), and the Sony Sony VX2100 ($2400). I'm self-financing, so I'm very very cost-conscious.
I've seen excellent clips for the GS400 (and you can't beat that price), but might opt for the Sony. The GS400 would be a good camera to learn on, but the vx2100 might be better for weddings. I'll have all this figured out in about a week (it depends more on my budget than anything else).
Anyway, just to make reading this bio worth it, let me say I'm reading a great book that just came out about video production: Digital Video Hacks by Josh Paul (i'm in the middle of a review on it for a technology site).
I run a weblog . And that's pretty much all you need to know.
I'm a scriptwriter and weblogger from Houston involved with the creative commons movement. I'm relatively new to filmmaking, though I have a strong background in narratives and storytelling.
I'm working on a video documentary (to shoot in September). Also, I'm working on a series of short experimental films, and in a year or two, feature comedies (more along the lines of sitcoms). Everything shot on video (which I have yet to buy).
I go to swamp events around town. I'm still in the learning stage/equipment buying stage. I'm hemming and hawwing between the respectable Panasonic PV-GS400, a 3CCD camera with lots of manual features, but poor low-lighting performance (1200$), and the Sony Sony VX2100 ($2400). I'm self-financing, so I'm very very cost-conscious.
I've seen excellent clips for the GS400 (and you can't beat that price), but might opt for the Sony. The GS400 would be a good camera to learn on, but the vx2100 might be better for weddings. I'll have all this figured out in about a week (it depends more on my budget than anything else).
Anyway, just to make reading this bio worth it, let me say I'm reading a great book that just came out about video production: Digital Video Hacks by Josh Paul (i'm in the middle of a review on it for a technology site).
I run a weblog . And that's pretty much all you need to know.