Emil Gustafsson Ryderup
April 19th, 2010, 02:23 PM
Which one is the better choice quality wise? I'm on a shoestring budget and cannot afford a followfocus rig for 3-500dollars. And these seems to be a bargain... what's the catch?
View Full Version : D|Focus Follow Focus VS IniFOCUSmini ? Emil Gustafsson Ryderup April 19th, 2010, 02:23 PM Which one is the better choice quality wise? I'm on a shoestring budget and cannot afford a followfocus rig for 3-500dollars. And these seems to be a bargain... what's the catch? Brennan Barsell April 19th, 2010, 07:04 PM I have the indifocus20 for my t2i. I am mostly satisfied with it, but I'm looking for a way to add more drag to it; it's a little on the loose side. Phillip Bloom reviews the DIFocus: Two very different follow focus systems for HD-DSLRs | Philip Bloom (http://philipbloom.co.uk/2010/01/09/two-very-different-follow-focus-systems-for-hd-dslrs/) Bryan McCullough April 19th, 2010, 07:58 PM do you mean the indifocus20? It's been updated a bit and is now called the IndieFocusMini. John Vincent April 19th, 2010, 08:41 PM Thanks for posting this. Phil's right on - you wouldn't ever want tot drop it or even bump it - but it does look pretty sweet. So sweet I'm buying one next week! john Gabe Hoeffken April 20th, 2010, 01:11 AM I just gone the D|Focus last week. I have only used it for a for a few walk around shots but like it so far. Hopefully I will be using it this weekend to shoot a short and should have more of an opinion then. John Vincent April 20th, 2010, 02:39 AM Well, let us know what you think! john Emil Gustafsson Ryderup April 20th, 2010, 03:02 AM So it seems to be "quality" stuff for the price. But which one should I buy? Or maybe they are both really good? And is everything included so you can start using it with your 550d? or do you have to buy more stuff (like rods or something)? Andrew Waite April 20th, 2010, 01:06 PM It's unrealistic to get "quality" on a "shoestring budget".... the reality of it is you get what you pay for. If you want quality, you have to pay for it. I have personally owned a Indifocus and it was junk... it costed me money in the end because I had to sell it at a loss and spend more to get something better. If functionality is what you want then you need to at least look at something like from Redrock or Cinevate. Forget the budget FF units out there... they have plastic RC car gears and have horrible lash... they slip... they are junk. That's my two cents... just trying to save you frustration in the end. Chris Barcellos April 20th, 2010, 02:13 PM Yes, Andrew Waite, you get what you pay for. With the high end follow focus and SLR equipment manufacturers, you get to pay for pretty models and accessorized painting, and pretty Logos, and VPs and presidents, and advertizing and promotions, all that drive the prices into the stratosphere, and a product that might be outdated in a couple of months because they didn't quite design it right in the first place. With the low enders, you get a guy plugging away in his garage or a small business facility weekly trying to make a better product each week. I have the D/Focus, and have been satisfied with it for my uses. And yes, I have had to adjust it for my needs and to operate the way I want it. And that is what the OP is asking about here. His budget won't fit your "get what you pay for" ideal. The design here is not highly technical. Its a simple gear box--- not a nuclear power plant, and at least the D/Focus is a reasonable alternative to the crazy pricing by the majors.. Emil Gustafsson Ryderup April 23rd, 2010, 03:56 AM And is everything included so you can start using it with your 550d? or do you have to buy more stuff (like rods or something)? I'm thinking about buying the IndiFOCUSmini and a slider. For the price they seem good and as stated, for me it cost half or more to rent stuff (even though those things may have better build quality) But, they don't seem to answer emails which is a bit worrying. Stephen Henderson April 29th, 2010, 09:28 AM Yeah, I was wondering the same thing, Emil, I was about to buy the slider and the indiFocus last night, but I wasn't sure if it came with rods or not. Also, I noticed when I added both items to my cart the shipping went from 20$ to 40$, that seems wierd. But they both look like great products for a great price. Bryan McCullough April 29th, 2010, 09:55 AM I bought both the slidermini deluxe and the focusmini from them. I've never had one of either before so I can't really compare them to other products, but I'm very pleased with how they work. Carlo Zanella April 29th, 2010, 12:55 PM I'm thinking about buying the IndiFOCUSmini and a slider. For the price they seem good and as stated, for me it cost half or more to rent stuff (even though those things may have better build quality) But, they don't seem to answer emails which is a bit worrying. I have the slider pro, mini, and mini deluxe. They all work very well. The pro obviously feel the best and has the longest travel, but the mini is smooth as well: it just takes a little bit of practice ( in all systems I use the EX1, 7D and GH1!). As far as the FF system, I have the Pro, but by talking to Tim and Indifocus, they are built similar to the mini, so I would assume you will be happy with that system as well. The Pro is really good for the price you pay: smooth, precise, and very adjustable. I would suggest to call Tim before you buy. He is always very helpful. Hope this helps. Carlo Zanella The Santa Fe TV Show (http://www.santafetvshow.com) Michael Liebergot April 29th, 2010, 03:12 PM Well I'll report back on the D|Focus V2 follow focus. Mine has been on order for a while and I hope to be getting it soon. |