William Graydon
April 19th, 2010, 10:59 AM
I know that getting accustomed to using a steadicam takes some time but I am more than willing to learn my question is.
- Which steadicam should i begin to research and or rent?
- Is there anywhere (in Miami) where i could learn how to successfully use a steadicam?
- I have read that the steadicam pilot is my best bet? is this true?
Thank you in advance.
Charles Papert
April 19th, 2010, 11:47 AM
Hi William:
Assuming you are not intending to dress up your EX1R with notably heavy accessories (35mm adaptor, frappucino maker etc), you will be in great shape with the Pilot. Build up your camera with everything you plan to fly onboard and if you are under 8 lbs, go for the Pilot (which can take 10 lbs of payload, but you want to leave room for other stuff down the road).
There are regular 2-day workshops scheduled through Tiffen: check the Steadicam.com site to find the closest one to you. I am launching a beginner's workshop in Sonoma, CA that will be held twice a year (along with an advanced workshop), next one will be in the early summer.
Cuong Dinh
April 19th, 2010, 01:06 PM
I'm second one go to Steadicam Pilot. With EX1r the Pilot is perfect.
Shaughan Flynn
April 19th, 2010, 01:36 PM
Pilot is a great rig. And Tiffen's customer support is second to none.