View Full Version : Memory Card HELP! And backup.

Matt Fink
April 19th, 2010, 07:14 AM
Hey everyone, before I get jumped on - I have thoroughly researched this on here and other forums and cannot seem to get a good answer.

I bought a cheapie class 6 card from the photoshop when I bought the camera. On my first shoot I used this as a supplemental camera which was good because the card crapped out. I had to use recovery software and was able to pull most the footage - seems like anything over 1.5 minutes did not recover.

Anyways I then wanted to buy a good card - so my question is - what card to get - transcend? Patriot? or do I splurge and get the Sandisk class 10? Is that worth it?

The card I have is a 32gb - is there any benefit of going smaller or is it ok to stay with a 32gb? I like not having to change cards as often, but if its better for the camera or the process I am ok with getting more 16gb cards.

Lastly - for those of you who shoot entirely with DSLRs - how can you be sure your footage will be there? Thats my biggest fear, corrupt files - which on my first outting (prob due to the card) it happened. I film weddings so obviously there are no reshoots - when I use my A1's as long as I don't lose the tape I know I will have workable footage and to that I can add on a direct to disk recorded to be extra sure but with the DSLR how can you save yourself?

Thanks so much!!


Aaron Fowler
April 19th, 2010, 08:09 AM
I think the general opinion is that either the Transcend or Sandisk cards are the most trustworthy. You obviously know that you need a Class 6 card but just remember that not all cards are created equally. My personal preference is Sandisk Class 10, I like the idea that I have extra headroom when recording long takes and it just allows me to relax a little more and concentrate on what I should be doing. I won't comment on the others due to my lack of experience with them, but I'm sure others will give their opinions.

The way I see it, there are advantages and disadvantages to having large cards. On the plus side you don't have to change cards as often, less pressure, less chance you'll make user errors... On the minus side, you're putting all your eggs in one basket, one card error and all your footage could potentially be gone. Weigh up the pros and cons and compare them with the price. Most things with these cameras are trade offs, so it's really up to you to pick the best card combo for your individual situation.

Hope you have more luck with you next card (whatever that may be).

Marc Faletti
April 19th, 2010, 10:44 AM
Transcend 32GB class 6 just died on me. Take that for what it's worth.

I am gonna take advice posted elsewhere here and go with smaller cards. That way, if one fails you don't lose everything.

I'm gonna try a data rescue program on my card; word is that you can often save the footage and I aim to try.

General rule of thumb (which I failed to follow *this one time* and it burned me): As soon as you are done shooting, turn off the cam and take out the card. Every time you swap or remove cards, turn off the camera. DO NOT delete clips or photos on the card from within the camera (this is where I cheated and paid for it I think). Follow that and you have a better chance of no cards dying.

John Vincent
April 19th, 2010, 08:14 PM
I have 2 16gb Adata cards right now - no complaints so far after about 3 weeks...


Bruce Foreman
April 19th, 2010, 09:15 PM
Using "cheapie" cards is begging for disaster. Patriot, A-Data, Transcend, are all "Johnnie Come Lately" to the game compared to long term been around names like SanDisk and PNY. I was in on some of the beginnings of the changeover from wet process film to 100% digital in the mid '90s (worked as a civilian photographer at one of the first air force labs to go all digital - we were a "testbed") and the brand professional photographers all seemed to rely on was SanDisk.

I constantly read about the "affordable" brands listed above dying or having data loss, occasionally someone has a problem with SanDisk but not at the rate I read about the others.

But I also read folks proclaim loudly "I've been using X brand for x weeks or x months without problems (or working flawlessly) and then in less than a week someone will encounter "disaster".

A few simple rules apply:

One: Make yourself afford the quality media. Far less likely to fail you at the most inopportune moment.

Two: Format in camera (not the computer). Copy the files off to TWO different media and when both are confirmed good put the card back in the camera and format. Format each card in the camera it will be used in.

Three: DON'T FILL THE CARD UP! At about 75% to 80% capacity start looking for a stopping place to change cards. It's in the last 15% to 10% of capacity that file allocation table error chance rises astronomically.

Four: At the first sign of any problem shut the camera off and pull the card, put in a fresh one and press on. When you get back to your computer lock the write protect tab and copy the files to your hard drive. Then see what you've got to deal with.

Five: Large capacity, small capacity, or in between. Your choice. I use 8GB media cards and carry a Pelican media case that holds eight of them and gives them full protection (waterproof, too). Suits my way of working and I don't have it all on one card if there is a problem. But I make myself afford SanDisk, swallow hard and march on so I'm less likely to have media trouble.

Six: Don't let yourself run short of battery power. While there are "fail safe" provisions in camera design that try to finish writing your last file to the media before "shutdown" when the battery runs out, don't skimp by buying cheap batteries too. The aftermarket batteries mostly do not have the quality control Canon batteries do, they can swell, get over heated with use (not just charging), and with many cameras don't communicate battery capacity left to the camera. (I don't have a T2i so don't know if that battery now has the proprietary chip in it like the one for the 7D and 5DMkII does)

What you choose to risk is up to you. But any video I get involved in is too valuable to me to take a chance on inferior media or battery. YMMV, you may very well be able to afford to lose video, not me.

John Vincent
April 20th, 2010, 02:37 AM
Some good advice, but hey - if a card is working for you then you good. NONE of these cards is going to be perfect. Part of the insane cost of P2 cards is their better reliability (some of it any way).

Here's the deal - if it plays back your footage after testing it (and yeah, I test it after just about every shot), it will likely playback later. No medium is perfect - including film. If the footage is mega important, download it after every take.

And BAM! You have your footage on the cheap.


Matt Fink
April 20th, 2010, 05:54 AM
All very good advice, thank you!

I shoot weddings mostly so having a bigger card is nicer - but since I am still not using the T2I as a fulltime shooter I can get away with using smaller cards.

It's not a matter of affording the more exp. cards, I would rather spend less (if it worked) and use extra for other stuff - lenses, etc.

Looks like I will go with multipe 16gb sandisk class 10's for now... did you guys see this article - this could be huge! - Samsung first with 20-nm NAND Flash: cheaper, faster SD cards on the way (update) -- Engadget (

Anyways, thank you all for the advice! I will let you know how I make out!
