View Full Version : Capturing Problem (XHA1 --> Premere Pro 3.0)
Guy Godwin April 18th, 2010, 06:13 PM Guy's I have never once had a capture problem with my XHA1.
I campturing with Firewire to Adobe Premiere Pro 3.0. This is not the Normal A1 --> PP Divice control issue.
For some reason I can not log anything. My A1 screen flashes "CH1/2" (Top left) and "HDV/DV In" (Midle Right side of the LCD)
For some reason there is no "pc bleep" when I plug the Camera in also.
I put this in the A1 forum be my XL2 does not have a problem with anything.
Any ideas?
Chris Soucy April 20th, 2010, 04:15 PM For some reason there is no "pc bleep" when I plug the Camera in also.
Having read this post a couple of times, it suddenly struck me that this sentence is worthy of note.
It implies the PC can't detect the camera as a Firewire device.
That being so, either the camera has something set to prevent it being reckognised (been playing with menu options lately?) tho' for the life of me I can't imagine what............
The Firewire port (ah, but which one?) is fried...........
The Firewire cable is toast
I'm sure there are other options but they're getting a bit esoteric.
I'd be doing some experimenting with cables/ ports to see if that's the problem and checking out the menu settings on the camera to look for furfies.
Best I can do for the moment.
Guy Godwin April 20th, 2010, 08:07 PM I still have the problem
Here is what I did since posting the issue.
#1) Googled the problem and found several others with the same problem. (Couple threads on this site)
Basically the fire-wire port on the Camera has gone bad.
** I did not want to accept this answer **
#2) Pulled out the old Mule XP Laptop that has a fire wire card inserted. I had NO problem capturing to the same software on the other PC
Based on this ^^^
#3) Took my good computer to the PC fix-it store and had them check out the Fire-wire boards/chips etc...
"Everything worked perfectly"
#4) Installed a new Fire-wire board (still at the fix-it shop)
"Everything worked perfectly"
#5) Hooked up the XL2 and same result. (No Capture)
Talking with the Fix-it Expert. He suggested it may be a software problem.
*now at home*
#6) Un Install and Reinstall CS3.
"Problem still here"
Looking back I recall I had a WINDOWS Service Pack (Auto update) Installed to my Vista Machine.
I think this has happened since my last capture about 3 weeks ago.
My last capture was a concert that I shot is SD. This was the first time I shot in SD. It captured to a DV project with no issues.
Since the Software reinstall, I am getting this error
"The currently Installed sound card driver does not support DirectSound Input. Recording audio is not possible."
If anyone has any idea of what may be wrong. I would love your input.
Guy Godwin April 20th, 2010, 08:32 PM Everything these guys talked about here I did with my last shoot.
Canon XH A1 - capturing not work anymore (
I shot and captured in SD. Now going back to HD
I also played an SD tape on this camera, because of issues with my XL2
Guy Godwin April 20th, 2010, 08:45 PM Based on the fact that I did everything that was listed in the above thread. I tried to reset the camera to factory setting's.
I followed the above link and did a hard reset and the problem is resolved!
This was crazy!
Chris Soucy April 21st, 2010, 01:00 AM Instructional all round.
The next time this comes up here I can put "Hard Reset" at the top of the list of possibles.
It sort of flitted through my brain but just didn't stick for some reason.
Glad you got it sorted (bet you are too).
Any idea under what circumstances the cam got zapped?
Guy Godwin April 22nd, 2010, 09:56 AM Ok folks the fun never ends!
I got my capture to work.
However, I took a 3 minute clip of my 3 yr old riding with out training wheels. Because I could not hold the camera I had it set on full auto. (Never used this before) Came in to capture the footage and the problem recurred. I did the "hard reset" again.....and again......and again. Yet, the problem has not gone away this time.
Something crazy is going on here.
Chris Soucy April 22nd, 2010, 02:39 PM Seems like the "hard reset" isn't the cure for this after all, IF the fault is identicle to the one you started with.
Going back to your post 5 (?) for a moment, have you tried updating the sound card driver using the "Update Driver" in the Control Panel Hardware manager? That might solve that problem.
Now, lets see about the main problem.
Why not download one or even some of the freebie software for SD/ HD ingest (DV/HDVsplit etc) and give them a whizz.
DV/ HDVsplit appears from anecdotal evidence to be particulary bomb proof when it comes to ingest.
I have Premier Elements on my machine and it stubornly refused to ingest squat.
Downloaded the free trial of Ulead's VideoStudio, bingo, ingest worked first time.
Went back to Premier and guess what?
Yep, worked fine and hasn't burped since. Go figure.
I'm a bit unclear about a couple of things:
Can you capture SD/ HD on the laptop from both camera's?
Can you only capure from the XL2 on the laptop?
Actually, better still, tell us what DOES work, what combination(s) of A1/ XL2/ PC/ Laptop/ SD/ HD actually do the business, 'cos I'm getting a bit lost.
Still like the Firewire cable for this.
Guy Godwin April 25th, 2010, 06:55 PM For the sake of answering all your questions I went back to the laptop and tried to capture. Now I got the same problem with it.
I am going to buy a new firewire cable tomorrow and start over. That may be the issue.
Guy Godwin April 26th, 2010, 08:23 AM A new Fire-wire cable appears to have fixed the problem. All I can guess is that the old cable has an "intermittent" connection that worked on my laptop and after the hard reset. The interesting point of it all is that after the Fire-wire was installed I can now use the "Device Controls" while Capturing. Before, All I could do was press play on the XHA1 and then hit the "record button" in Premiere Pro 3.0.
I just hope this thread is not "re-opened" by me.
Chris Soucy April 26th, 2010, 03:32 PM Guess we'll chalk up another win for the away team then.
Good to hear you've cracked it (for now).
Kevin Pineda May 10th, 2010, 07:11 PM A new Fire-wire cable appears to have fixed the problem. All I can guess is that the old cable has an "intermittent" connection that worked on my laptop and after the hard reset. The interesting point of it all is that after the Fire-wire was installed I can now use the "Device Controls" while Capturing. Before, All I could do was press play on the XHA1 and then hit the "record button" in Premiere Pro 3.0.
I just hope this thread is not "re-opened" by me.
im having the same issue with the flashing hdv/dv in on the lcd. Which firewire cable did you end up getting?
Guy Godwin May 10th, 2010, 08:00 PM I Just grabbed the first one I came across at office depot