View Full Version : Logo and brand clearance, CG and premieres...

Dan Parkes
April 18th, 2010, 09:03 AM
Our seventh and final episode in a series that goes behind-the-scenes on an award-winning indie film made on a microscopic budget, identifies key ingredients to success, in addition to covering post-production tips on special effects that aren't too special, clearing logos/products, marketing options and tools and holding a successful premiere.

YouTube - How to Make a Next-to-Nothing Budget Feature Film -Episode 07 [HD] (

Andrew Smith
April 20th, 2010, 06:14 AM
One one hand we need to do "brand clearance" whilst on the other hand companies want "placement" with their products.

It does confuse me at times.


Dan Parkes
April 26th, 2010, 09:06 AM
There is a definite difference -one wants you to put the product in the film, the other requires permission. And you will find that the nature of the scene is very important. For example we had to make sure that with certain negative portrayals such as drunkness and drug dealing etc, that any branding was removed or not seen, as no brand would agree to having their product associated with such activities.