Chuck Spaulding
April 17th, 2010, 12:53 PM
For those who like Cars & Guitars, this is my attempt at some video art.
Actually a friend is hosting a fundraiser by the same name and asked if I could produce something he could show on a large flat panel at the entrance so I did this in about a day. It needs a little more work but I thought it was good enough to share.
I hope you enjoy it.
Dave Blackhurst
April 17th, 2010, 01:27 PM
piano soundtrack...
Which one doesn't seem somehow to "fit"? I realize this is probably a more "elegant" event, but it still seems like a nice jazz guitar track would have been the "bees knees" and added a bit of pizzaz?
Michiel van Baasbank
April 17th, 2010, 03:00 PM
Although I don't dislike this particular piano soundtrack, I have to agree with Dave.
But overall, again stunning footage from this camera, and original POV's and editing, which gives this clip a Top Gear-esque quality. (Mind you, in terms of great camera-work and editing I think BBC's Top Gear remains unsurpassed.)
Only gripe, I think it's a little bit too long, perhaps 30-60 seconds shorter would be better.
Chuck Spaulding
April 20th, 2010, 11:39 AM
piano soundtrack...
Which one doesn't seem somehow to "fit"? I realize this is probably a more "elegant" event, but it still seems like a nice jazz guitar track would have been the "bees knees" and added a bit of pizzaz?
OK Dave, fair enough. I used the music I did because I liked how it flowed, so here's the same song done a little jazzier with a full orchestra (Including guitars).
Cars & Guitars By Chuck Spaulding On ExposureRoom (